Hello -- I was trying the SymPyPrt (https://github.com/scios/IPyXt)
extension and I find that complex numbers don't print correctly: 2+3*I
or x+I*y etc replace the I by a dash. The author of that extension
thinks it must be a problem with SymPy's LaTeX output:

In [1]: from sympy import *

In [2]: var('x y')
Out[2]: (x, y)

In [3]: latex(x+I*y)
Out[3]: 'x + \\mathbf{\\imath} y'

In [4]: latex(2+I*3)
Out[4]: '2 + 3 \\mathbf{\\imath}'

... that mathbf does not have all symbols so it should not be used for
this purpose. Anyone to confirm/deny?

Shriramana Sharma

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