On 03/03/2013 08:07 AM, tsc wrote:
I've just found the sympy GA module, and I must say it looks really neat! I'd like to use it for automatic differentiation and equation solving in high-dimensional conformal geometric algebra. While experimenting with the module, I've run into a few problems though. I'm not familiar with sympy internals, so before I dive into the source of this module to fix things, I'd like to see if anyone can tell me if these are really bugs or if I'm misunderstanding something.

All examples below are run in isympy, just pulled from github. I initialized with:
from sympy.galgebra.GA import *
e1,e2,e3= MV.setup('e1 e2 e3', '1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1')

 1. Division:

    When I perform e1 / e1, I get an error: "TypeError: unsupported
    operand type(s) for /: 'MV' and 'MV'". Is this not implemented?
    For non-null vectors (i.e. x >> x != 0), the inverse is x / (x >>
    x). The inverse of a product of invertible vectors is just the
    reverse product of the inverses. For an invertible blade A, this
    reduces to A / (A >> A).
 2. Solving equations:

    I tried to solve some basic equations, e.g.
    >> solve( (x - e1) * e2, x)

    This is correct, but strangely it involves division which doesn't
    appear to work when typed into the terminal. Other examples that
    act strange:
    >> solve( (x - e1) >> e2, x)
    >> solve( (x - e1) | e2, x)

    Even though | and >> should both implement contraction.
 3. Efficiency:
    I tried MV.setup on some high-dimensional algebras, and noticed
    that it takes very long to initialize beyond n=8. The multivector
    basis is 2^n, so a slowdown is to be expected, but 2^8 = 256,
    which seems a bit low. Would it be possible to speed up the
    implementation, e.g. using bitarray
    <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bitarray> to represent the presence
    or absence of a multivector basis element, and compute products
    using a combination of scalar multiplication on numpy arrays and
    bitwise operations on bitarrays?
 4. Notation for outer product and powers:
    I find the notation '**' for the wedge product confusing. Consider
    typing this into a terminal:
    >> e1*e1
    >> e1**2

    Why is the result of e1*e1 (e1 squared) written in the usual
    python exponentiation notation e1**2, while at the same time we
    cannot use that notation to perform exponentiation? I think it
    would be best to use ** for exponentiation, since that is the
    python standard. We can use ^ for the wedge, which is visually
    most natural anyway.
 5. Contraction with scalar doesn't work.
    When I compute e1 >> 2, or any other contraction with a scalar, I
    get None. The correct results is 0 when a (multi)vector is
    contracted onto a scalar. When a scalar is contracted onto a
    multivector, the result should be the same as scalar multiplication.

If I can make it all work I might be interested in implementing a module for conformal GA, and one for linking sympy to GAViewer. The latter would make it possible to visualize results from symbolic computations in a 3D viewer.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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I forgot to mention that the attached file in the previous response is named GA.bip but is really GA.zip. I was renamed so that certain mail programs would not reject the attachment.

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