The application period for organizations has opened for GSoC 2013. The
deadline is next friday, the 29th (

I have updated the wiki page
( with this year's
questions. I have not yet gone through the answers, except for trivial
moving of stuff that changed in the questions this year. If you have
time, please go through and make whatever edits you see fit.

Two things of note:

- For PyDy, what are your plans? We can vouch for you (see the last
question), so we need to know.

- The only significant change to the questions from last year is that
last year there was the question, "What steps will you take to
encourage students to interact with your project's community before,
during and after the program?", and this year there are the two
questions, "What steps will you take to encourage students to interact
with your project's community before and during the program?" and
"What will you do to encourage that your accepted students stick with
the project after Google Summer of Code concludes?".  In other words,
the "after the program" part is now a separate question. I therefore
think it's safe to assume that Google is putting a focus on this
aspect this year.  So I think we should expand that part, and also
discuss here some things that we can do to improve in that area
(because we're not perfect).

Does anyone want to gather some statistics on this? My experience is
that each year, about 50% of the students disappear after GSoC, 25%
stay around for a few months, and about 25% stay around for longer.

On thing that I think is important for this is the stuff that is
discussed in the answer to the first question, namely, making sure
that the students are active in the community.  In 2011, we made a
conscious effort do to this for all students, so my hope is that the
statistics will show this. Based on what I remember, it did make a
huge difference.

Aaron Meurer

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