On 13/04/13 14:36, someone wrote:
>> I recently had a need for Jacobi polynomials with the property that
>>   int(P(i, a, b, x)*P(j, a, b, x)*(1-x)^a*(1+b)^b, (x, -1, 1) =
>> delta_ij
>> with the key element being the normalization factor.  Would it be
>> possible to get this upstream (it is a pain to code up!), for example
>> as a norm=True kwarg?
> I think that this should go upstream and I'm preparing a PR for this.
> But there are a few open points:
> - What about the *symbolic* representation? (Unevaluated P(j,a,b,x) with j,a,b
>   unspecified.) Are they normalized or not? Does the flag take action here 
> too?
>   How to get from one to the other form? (Something like "rewrite")
>   And how to differ them in pretty prints, latex etc?

A convention I often use is \hat{P} for when the polynomial is
normalized in the sense of orthonormality.

> - What if we have more different normalizations? 
>   F.e. for Hermite polynomials we have the probabilists' and
>   the physicists' Hermite polynomials. [1]
>   For spherical harmonics there are even more conventions [2].
>   How should we call the flag? And what values should it take?
>   Maybe "normalization" with enumerated values "none", "geodesic", "magnetic" 
> etc.
>   But these values could be different for each polynomial type!

This is a good question -- and one which I do not have a good solution
to.  A norm='flag' looks like a good solution so long as we can come up
with a good set of naming conventions.

Regards, Freddie.

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