On 22.04.2013 12:10, Stefan Krastanov wrote:
What I can see is that flatten spends considerable amounts of time in
which recursively call flatten *again* (i.e. things like a *= b). This
to indicate that it can probably benefit from memoization caching.

Or it might be simpler and as effective to have this

def flatten(expr):
       return _flatten(expr, set())[0]

def _flatten(expr, already_flattened):
       for subexpr in expr:
          if subexpr in already_flattened:
               do nothing
              add flattened_subexpr to already_flatten

It does not memorize results, it memorizes what is already flat. And
it is the local type of memoization, but that is another topic.

Anyway, I am just making some noise, this is probably not any better
than usual memoization.

Why is this better?

Because, depending on how/when you rebuild the tree, you might be able
to skip some rebuilds (without jumping through equality checks. etc).
But this is very much a micro-optimization that might not even work,
so I guess it does not need to be discussed now. Sorry about
mentioning it.

Oh don't worry, it's good to hear all ideas :-).

The main reason why I prefer a more generic approach to caching is that yours requires rewriting the flatten algorithm. In particular, flatten does not call *itself* directly. It calls constructors etc which call flatten internally, etc.

Of course, it might be a good idea to rewrite it in any case, but I'm trying to not create more work than necessary (at least initially).

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