On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 4:04 PM, <sympy@googlegroups.com> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/topics
>    - pip install broken for python 3.3 <#1410c95d4814c66b_group_thread_0>[1 
> Update]
>    - PyDy Visualization Milestone <#1410c95d4814c66b_group_thread_1> [1
>    Update]
>    - Working on a different caching 
> approach.<#1410c95d4814c66b_group_thread_2>[1 Update]
>    - Divide by zero when transforming to 
> numerics<#1410c95d4814c66b_group_thread_3>[2 Updates]
>    - How to help sympy integrate 
> sqrt(a**2/(a**2-x**2))<#1410c95d4814c66b_group_thread_4>[1 Update]
>    - Status of the Diophantine Equation <#1410c95d4814c66b_group_thread_5>[1 
> Update]
>    - How to apply a variational operator in 
> SymPy?<#1410c95d4814c66b_group_thread_6>[2 Updates]
>   pip install broken for python 
> 3.3<http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/t/54cdf28883410884>
>    Angus Griffith <16sn...@gmail.com> Sep 11 03:04AM -0700
>    Is there a workaround for this?
>    I have a python2 application that depends on Sympy and I'm trying to
>    upgrade the dependency to 0.7.3.
>    I've tried a few things but nothing successful yet. (Either the
>    package
>    isn't found or it tries (and consequently) fails to install the
>    python3
>    version.)
>    sympy==0.7.3, sympy-py2, sympy==0.7.3-py2
>    No local packages or download links found for ...
>    sympy>=0.7.3, sympy
>    Best match: sympy 0.7.3-py3.3
>    ...
>    ImportError: You appear to be using the Python 3 version of SymPy in
>    Python
>    2. Use Python 3 or get the Python 2 source code from http://sympy.org.
>    On Sunday, 28 July 2013 17:33:41 UTC+10, Matthew Brett wrote:
>   PyDy Visualization 
> Milestone<http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/t/c76d1dd09c8d3331>
>    Dale Lukas Peterson <hazelnu...@gmail.com> Sep 10 04:04PM -0700
>    > http://youtu.be/W6MIwXUw7jQ
>    > He's polishing up the code now and working on documentation. So we
>    should
>    > have a fully working 3D visualizer in a couple more weeks.
>    That looks awesome! Great work. I'm very excited to try it out :)
>    Luke
>    --
>    "People call me a perfectionist, but I'm not. I'm a rightist. I do
>    something until it's right, and then I move on to the next thing."
>    -- James Cameron
>   Working on a different caching 
> approach.<http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/t/a275512a09aabd76>
>    Gilbert Gede <gilbertg...@gmail.com> Sep 10 03:24PM -0700
>    Hi,
>    I've playing around with implementing a different caching strategy:
>    "user-level" functions within which the cache is enabled and after
>    which
>    the cache is cleared. I've opened a PR for the work in progress here:
>    https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/2448
>    I'm not sure if it's the best approach to a different caching
>    strategy, but
>    feel free to take a look and give some input/feedback. Or,
>    alternatively,
>    discuss if another strategy would be more appropriate for caching in
>    SymPy.
>    -Gilbert
>   Divide by zero when transforming to 
> numerics<http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/t/a1aa00229e033b14>
>    Jason Moore <moorepa...@gmail.com> Sep 10 04:41PM -0400
>    I'll don't have a concrete example to show at the moment, but I feel
>    like
>    we get these singularity issues when we do use simplification and don't
>    when we don't or when we expand everything out. I'll try to put
>    together an
>    example where this is the case.
>    Jason
>    moorepants.info
>    +01 530-601-9791
>    On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Stefan Krastanov <
>    stefan.krasta...@yale.edu
>    Jason Moore <moorepa...@gmail.com> Sep 10 04:43PM -0400
>    Also, why does .evalf give zero in my previous example? Shouldn't that
>    also
>    raise a DivideByZero error?
>    Jason
>    moorepants.info
>    +01 530-601-9791
>   How to help sympy integrate 
> sqrt(a**2/(a**2-x**2))<http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/t/307bb149e9a938c4>
>    Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> Sep 09 12:05PM -0600
>    >> the heurisch or Meijer G algorithms.
>    > Can the Meijer G be used to integrate any function, or is the the
>    most general
>    > algorithm still the Risch one? I read this:
>    It depends on what you mean by "general". In my view, the two
>    algorithms handle different classes of integrals with different
>    advantages, and therefore they will both always be needed.
>    Here's a list of facts for each algorithm
>    # Meijer G
>    Advantages:
>    - Can handle a large class of special functions.
>    - Works particularly well with definite integrals (but it also can
>    compute indefinite integrals).
>    - Can compute convergence conditions for definite integrals
>    - Can split indefinite integrals into conditions as well (for
>    instance, integrate(1/sqrt(x**2 - 1), meijerg=True)).
>    Disadvantages:
>    - Is only a heuristic, so while it is smarter than a basic table
>    lookup, it still requires some level of pattern matching.
>    - As with any such algorithm, it can be highly dependent on the form
>    of the expression.
>    - As such, won't recognize particularly complicated integrands.
>    - The indefinite integrator is not particularly strong, at least
>    compared to the definite one.
>    # Risch
>    Advantages:
>    - Is a complete algorithm, so if an expression fits in the class it
>    recognizes (and the cases are all implemented), it will compute the
>    answer.
>    - Works with arbitrarily complicated expressions.
>    - Can prove that elementary integrals do not exist.
>    - Because the algorithm is complete, rather than relying on a pattern
>    matching heuristic, it doesn't rely on the form of the input
>    expression. It may end up changing the format of the output, but if an
>    answer exists, it will find one no matter what the input looks like
>    (unless the input is in some form that it hasn't been programmed to
>    recognize, e.g., currently Risch in SymPy doesn't handle hyperbolic
>    trig functions even though it could, because they are just
>    exponentials).
>    Disadvantages:
>    - Only works with a relatively small class of expressions (elementary
>    functions, plus there are some extensions for a few special
>    functions).
>    - Adding more cases requires quite a bit of work.
>    - Doesn't work for definite integrals directly.
>    In general, Meijer G works well for a very large class of functions,
>    but not very complicated combinations of them, whereas Risch works
>    well for a small class of functions, but they can be arbitrarily
>    complex. That's why on the outset, Meijer G will seem to be more
>    powerful, because if you plug in every integral in an integration
>    table, it will catch more of them. But if you test the integrator in a
>    slightly different way, namely, by taking some random expression,
>    differentiating it, and passing it in, you'll have better luck with
>    the Risch algorithm (assuming the original expression was elementary).
>    I didn't mention heurisch, but it falls somewhere in between. It still
>    uses pattern matching and can be highly sensitive to the form of the
>    input, but it's based on some of the theory of the Risch algorithm, so
>    it can work with reasonably complicated expressions, assuming the
>    answer looks like what it expects it to. It doesn't work so well with
>    special functions because it works best with functions whose
>    derivatives can be expressed in terms of itself.
>    > http://docs.sympy.org/dev/modules/integrals/g-functions.html
>    > and it shows how to do the (0, oo) integrals, but not the general
>    > antiderivatives.
>    Yes, it can do antiderivatives, and as I showed in that example above,
>    it can handle at least some algebraic functions.
>    By the way, the best resource to find some formula, unless you have
>    one of those table books, is the Wolfram functions site. It's a little
>    hard to navigate, though (I wonder if you have a copy of Mathematica
>    if there is an easier way to do a table lookup within the software).
>    > I found some formulas how to integrate G functions, but I don't know
>    if it is
>    > implemented in sympy. I.e. are there functions that cannot be
>    expressed
>    > using the G function?
>    Tom or Raoul would have to give a more specific answer, but I believe
>    that there are functions that can't be expressed in terms of the
>    Meijer G-function.
>    Aaron Meurer
>   Status of the Diophantine 
> Equation<http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/t/c5f6186ed3ffd070>
>    Thilina Rathnayake <thilina.r...@gmail.com> Sep 09 10:30AM -0700
>    Hi Ondrej,
>    I implemented solutions to the general sum of squares. That is to the
>    equations
>    of the form x_1**2 + x_2**2 + . . . + x_n**2 = k. I made a commit.
>    Please
>    take a
>    look at the following PR. The new function is named
>    `diop_general_sum_of_squares()`
>    and it's hooked to `diop_solve()` and `diophantine()`.
>    https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/2432
>    Currently, the function returns only one solution and this is fast.
>    According to the
>    sources I referred, Finding all the solutions is exponential in `k`
>    and
>    closely related
>    to subset-sum problem. More than one solution can be found by using
>    `power_representation()`
>    described below but it's a brute and doesn't work for large `k`.
>    I implemented a more general function which solves x_1**p + x_2**p + .
>    . .
>    + x_k**p = n
>    It is named as `power_represenatation()` and takes three arguments n,
>    k,
>    and p as in
>    above equation. I didn't hook it to the `diop_solve()` or
>    `diophantine()`.
>    I am doing a bit of
>    research on how I can improve this function. Even Wolfram Alpha
>    doesn't
>    have efficient solution
>    to this problem, for sufficiently large `n`, it gives a message saying
>    standard computation time exceeded.
>    I implemented several functions like sum_of_three_squares() and
>    sum_of_four_squares()
>    which were needed to solve some of the Diophantine equations but these
>    functions naturally belong
>    under an Additive number theory module. Then, I can import these
>    functions
>    from it and use in the
>    Diophantine equation module. I expect to create an additive number
>    theory
>    module for SymPy but it will
>    be after I finish GSoC.
>    I will start on the two issues you created from tomorrow. I was a bit
>    busy
>    during the last week since
>    I was stuck with university work, Hope to cover for that in this week.
>    Regards,
>    Thilina.
>   How to apply a variational operator in 
> SymPy?<http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/t/72f3a325d116a6b3>
>    Saullo Castro <saullogiov...@gmail.com> Sep 09 03:31PM +0200
>    I've extended the:
>    test_euler.py
>    from Sergey's branch.
>    Unfortunately I did not manage to send him back a push request of the
>    performed changes, so I created a temporary gist here:
>    https://gist.github.com/saullocastro/6495587
>    @Sergey, could you have a look if your module handles this type of
>    functionals. If not I want to put the ideas of this:
>    https://gist.github.com/saullocastro/6433919
>    Into your module.
>    Thank you!
>    2013/9/9 Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com>
>    Sergey B Kirpichev <skirpic...@gmail.com> Sep 09 07:36PM +0400
>    On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 03:31:50PM +0200, Saullo Castro wrote:
>    > Unfortunately I did not manage to send him back a push request of the
>    > performed changes
>    Please, push your changes to some branch in your sympy's forked repo
>    on Github. Then navigate to your repository with the changes you want
>    someone else to pull. Select branch, and press the Pull Request
>    button, then new pull request. Choose my branch as base fork and
>    branch with your changes as head fork.
>    Some guide is in our wiki:
> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/Development-workflow#wiki-create-a-patch-file-or-pull-request-for-github
>    (Yet, a bit outdated pictures, I think.)
>    > @Sergey, could you have a look if your module handles this type of
>    > functionals.
>    It seems, your lagrangian has a high-order derivatives, like this:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%E2%80%93Lagrange_equation#Single_function_of_single_variable_with_higher_derivatives
>    So, no. The pr#2431 is for classical mechanics (no constraints), just
>    a handy hard-coded formula.
>  --
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  I am Elita Lobo. I am interested in contributing to the development of
sympy. I want to participate in GSOC and work towards development of Sympy.
I have a few project ideas related to the same. Can someone please guide me
on how to get involved in Sympy development?

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