No, it is not possible to run the function itself with the various inputs
in parallel because the function is being called during a numerical
integration routine and the each input to the function requires the
previous output of the integration of that function, i.e. each call is
dependent on the previous call.

+01 530-601-9791

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Frédéric Bastien <> wrote:

> Addition and mul can be counted as 1 operation, but not trigonometric
> fct. A roungh estimate would be they are worth 50 operation(order of
> magnitude right on CPU) So this give 17k. In the same ball park for
> this estimation:)
> Can you just run this function on many inputs in parallel? It would be
> easier to parallelize an outer loop then this.
> Fred
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Jason Moore <>
> wrote:
> > I'm still digesting what Matthew and Max wrote. Lots of new words for me
> :)
> > But here is a simple example taken from C code we generate for a simple 2
> > link pendulum.
> >
> > First the C code with SymPy's CSE expressions automatically generated:
> >
> > #include <math.h>
> > #include "multibody_system_c.h"
> >
> > void mass_forcing(double constants[6], // constants = [g, m0, l0, m1, l1,
> > m2]
> >                   double coordinates[3], // coordinates = [q0, q1, q2]
> >                   double speeds[3], // speeds = [u0, u1, u2]
> >                   double mass_matrix[36], // computed
> >                   double forcing_vector[6]) // computed
> > {
> >     // common subexpressions
> >     double z_0 = coordinates[1];
> >     double z_1 = sin(z_0);
> >     double z_2 = constants[2]*z_1;
> >     double z_3 = -constants[3]*z_2 - constants[5]*z_2;
> >     double z_4 = coordinates[2];
> >     double z_5 = sin(z_4);
> >     double z_6 = -constants[4]*constants[5]*z_5;
> >     double z_7 = pow(constants[2], 2);
> >     double z_8 = constants[2]*constants[4]*constants[5];
> >     double z_9 = cos(z_0);
> >     double z_10 = cos(z_4);
> >     double z_11 = z_8*(z_1*z_5 + z_10*z_9);
> >     double z_12 = speeds[1];
> >     double z_13 = speeds[2];
> >     double z_14 = pow(z_12, 2);
> >     double z_15 = constants[2]*z_14*z_9;
> >     double z_16 = pow(z_13, 2);
> >     double z_17 = constants[4]*constants[5]*z_10;
> >     double z_18 = constants[0]*constants[2]*z_9;
> >     double z_19 = z_5*z_9;
> >     double z_20 = z_1*z_10;
> >
> >     // mass matrix
> >     mass_matrix[0] = 1;
> >     mass_matrix[1] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[2] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[3] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[4] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[5] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[6] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[7] = 1;
> >     mass_matrix[8] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[9] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[10] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[11] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[12] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[13] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[14] = 1;
> >     mass_matrix[15] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[16] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[17] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[18] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[19] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[20] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[21] = constants[1] + constants[3] + constants[5];
> >     mass_matrix[22] = z_3;
> >     mass_matrix[23] = z_6;
> >     mass_matrix[24] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[25] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[26] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[27] = z_3;
> >     mass_matrix[28] = constants[3]*z_7 + constants[5]*z_7;
> >     mass_matrix[29] = z_11;
> >     mass_matrix[30] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[31] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[32] = 0;
> >     mass_matrix[33] = z_6;
> >     mass_matrix[34] = z_11;
> >     mass_matrix[35] = pow(constants[4], 2)*constants[5];
> >
> >     // forcing vector
> >     forcing_vector[0] = speeds[0];
> >     forcing_vector[1] = z_12;
> >     forcing_vector[2] = z_13;
> >     forcing_vector[3] = constants[3]*z_15 + constants[5]*z_15 +
> z_16*z_17;
> >     forcing_vector[4] = -constants[3]*z_18 - constants[5]*z_18 +
> > z_16*z_8*(z_19 - z_20);
> >     forcing_vector[5] = -constants[0]*z_17 + z_14*z_8*(-z_19 + z_20);
> > }
> >
> >
> > Now I manually group these expression evaluations into "stacks", i.e.
> those
> > calls which could happen in parallel (there is of course a bit more
> > complicated dependency graph you can draw so that you maximize the time
> that
> > your cores have a task).
> >
> > // These are not computations but just value assignments.
> > z_0 = coordinates[1];
> > z_4 = coordinates[2];
> > z_12 = speeds[1];
> > z_13 = speeds[2];
> > mass_matrix[0] = 1;
> > mass_matrix[1] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[2] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[3] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[4] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[5] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[6] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[7] = 1;
> > mass_matrix[8] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[9] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[10] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[11] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[12] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[13] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[14] = 1;
> > mass_matrix[15] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[16] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[17] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[18] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[19] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[20] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[24] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[25] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[26] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[30] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[31] = 0;
> > mass_matrix[32] = 0;
> > forcing_vector[0] = speeds[0];
> > forcing_vector[1] = z_12;
> > forcing_vector[2] = z_13;
> >
> > // These are computations that involve the initial values passed into the
> > // function, i.e. stack #1.
> > z_7 = pow(constants[2], 2);
> > z_8 = constants[2]*constants[4]*constants[5];
> > z_14 = pow(z_12, 2);
> > z_16 = pow(z_13, 2);
> > mass_matrix[21] = constants[1] + constants[3] + constants[5];
> > mass_matrix[35] = pow(constants[4], 2)*constants[5];
> >
> > // Stack #2
> > z_1 = sin(z_0);
> > z_5 = sin(z_4);
> > z_9 = cos(z_0);
> > z_10 = cos(z_4);
> > z_2 = constants[2]*z_1;
> > mass_matrix[28] = constants[3]*z_7 + constants[5]*z_7;
> >
> > // Stack #3
> > z_3 = -constants[3]*z_2 - constants[5]*z_2;
> > z_6 = -constants[4]*constants[5]*z_5;
> > z_11 = z_8*(z_1*z_5 + z_10*z_9);
> > z_15 = constants[2]*z_14*z_9;
> > z_17 = constants[4]*constants[5]*z_10;
> > z_18 = constants[0]*constants[2]*z_9;
> > z_19 = z_5*z_9;
> > z_20 = z_1*z_10;
> >
> > // Stack #4
> > mass_matrix[22] = z_3;
> > mass_matrix[23] = z_6;
> > mass_matrix[27] = z_3;
> > mass_matrix[29] = z_11;
> > mass_matrix[33] = z_6;
> > mass_matrix[34] = z_11;
> > forcing_vector[3] = constants[3]*z_15 + constants[5]*z_15 + z_16*z_17;
> > forcing_vector[4] = -constants[3]*z_18 - constants[5]*z_18 +
> z_16*z_8*(z_19
> > - z_20);
> > forcing_vector[5] = -constants[0]*z_17 + z_14*z_8*(-z_19 + z_20);
> >
> >
> > So this simplified example of the dependencies in the CSE's shows that
> if I
> > had enough cores available I could parallelize each stack, potentially
> > increasing the execution speed. So instead of 31 evaluations, you could
> have
> > 4 evaluations in parallel, ideally a 7.75x speedup. For more complicated
> > problems, there could be thousands and thousands of these CSEs, but I'll
> > need to generate their dependencies with code to see if things stack this
> > nicely for the big problems. I suspect the dependency chain could be such
> > that the higher number stacks could have hundreds of expressions whereas
> the
> > lower stacks have fewer, or vice versa.
> >
> > How do I generate a DAG for long expressions in SymPy? Is this part of
> the
> > internal architecture of SymPy expressions? I don't understand how the
> cse()
> > code works yet either, but it seems like this information should be
> computed
> > already. I just need to visualize the graph for some of our bigger
> problems.
> >
> > Also, the for the number of scalars and number of operations in each.
> Here
> > is an bigger problem with 2000 or so CSE's:
> >
> >
> >
> > This problem has 12 scalars that have 2000+ CSE's and there are 5840
> > additions and subtractions, 9847 multiplications and divisions, 14
> cosines,
> > and 14 sines. So roughly 1300 operations per scalar.
> >
> >
> > Jason
> >
> > +01 530-601-9791
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 12:06 AM, Matthew Rocklin <>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Response from Max follows (for some reason he was getting bounced by the
> >> mailing list).
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Max Hutchinson <>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> tl;dr it depends on the DAG, but improved ILP is is likely possible (if
> >>> difficult) and there could be room for multi-core parallelism as well.
> >>>
> >>> As I understand it, we're talking about a long computation applied to
> >>> short input vectors.  If the computation can be applied to many input
> >>> vectors at once, independent of each other, then all levels of
> parallelism
> >>> (multiple instructions, multiple cores, multiple sockets, multiple
> nodes)
> >>> can be used.  This is data-parallelism, which is great! However, it
> doesn't
> >>> sound like this is the case.
> >>>
> >>> It sounds like you're thinking of building a DAG of these CSEs and
> trying
> >>> to use task-parallelism over independent parts of it (automatically
> using
> >>> sympy or theano or what have you).  The tension here is going to be
> between
> >>> locality and parallelism: how much compute hardware can you spread
> your data
> >>> across without losing the nice cache performance that your small input
> >>> vectors gain you.  I'd bet that going off-socket is way too wide.
>  Modern
> >>> multi-core architectures have core-local L2 and L1 caches, so if your
> input
> >>> data fits nicely into L2 and your DAG isn't really local, you probably
> won't
> >>> get anything out of multiple-cores.  Your last stand is single-core
> >>> parallelism (instruction-level parallelism), which sympy et al may or
> may
> >>> not be well equipped to influence.
> >>>
> >>> To start, I'd recommend that you take a look at your DAGs and try to
> >>> figure out how large the independent chunks are.  Then, estimate the
> amount
> >>> of instruction level parallelism when you run in 'serial' (which you
> can do
> >>> with flop-counting).  If your demonstrated ILP is less than your
> independent
> >>> chunk size, then at least improved ILP should be possible.
>  Automatically
> >>> splitting up these DAGs and expressing them in a low-level enough way
> to
> >>> affect ILP is a considerable task, though.
> >>>
> >>> To see if multi-core parallelism is worth it, you need to estimate how
> >>> many extra L3 loads you'd incur by spreading your data of multiple
> L2s.  I
> >>> don't have great advice for that, maybe someone else here does.  The
> good
> >>> news is that if your problem has this level of locality, then you can
> >>> probably get away with emitting C code with pthreads or even openmp.
>  Just
> >>> bear in mind the thread creation/annihilation overhead (standing
> >>> thread-pools are your friend) and pin them to cores.
> >>>
> >>> Good luck,
> >>> Max
> >>
> >> --
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