I got around to making a very lightweight Proof-of-Concept 
in https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/8664

On Friday, December 19, 2014 10:02:04 PM UTC-6, Aaron Meurer wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Richard Fateman <fat...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Please forgive me if this is off track -- I've never used assumptions in 
> > sympy, and 
> > don't know much about sympy implementation. 
> > 
> > But here's a problem that has come up in a number of other computer 
> algebra 
> > system 
> > that are (in some way) linked to a programming language. 
> > 
> > If you say something about a symbol s,  are you saying something about 
> > the locally lexically bound symbol s, a binding of the symbol s as the 
> > result of 
> > (say) pattern matching, a globally bound symbol  (in some global symbol 
> > table) 
> > or something else. 
> Something to note here is that because SymPy is built on top of 
> Python, which is already a programming language in its own right, 
> there is a clear distinction between a SymPy Symbol and a Python 
> variable. A SymPy Symbol is an object with a string attached to it. A 
> Python variable is the name of an identifier used in code to point to 
> some Python object. So 
> a = 1 
> a = "hello" 
> a = Symbol('a') 
> a = Symbol('x') 
> are all valid ways of assigning different things to the Python 
> variable a. In the last two cases, a will point to a SymPy Symbol. In 
> the second to last, the name of the Symbol will be the same as the 
> Python variable name, but this will be a coincidence. In fact, there's 
> not even a way for Symbol to know what variable name it is attached 
> to, and the question doesn't even make sense since any object in 
> Python can be bound to any number of variable names (including 0). 
> So there is no binding question. Two Symbol objects are considered the 
> same if they have the same name and assumption, regardless of how or 
> where they were created. And indeed, since they are immutable and 
> SymPy has caching, it's possible (though not guaranteed) that they may 
> even end up being the exact same object in memory (this can be tested 
> with the Python "is" operator). 
> It's an important distinction to make semantically, as it's a very big 
> point of confusion for new users to SymPy, especially ones who are 
> also new to Python, or who may be coming from a language where this 
> distinction is not made (i.e., most other computer algebra systems). 
> I'm not entirely clear which you meant by "symbols" and "vars" in your 
> question. I prefer to refer to SymPy Symbol with a capital S, since 
> that is the name of the object in the code, and "Python variable" to 
> make it clear that it has nothing to do with SymPy as a Python 
> library. 
> I'd say SymPy is better for being able to make this distinction. SymPy 
> Symbols aren't scoped. They are just objects that float around. They 
> don't even know where they live. Python variables, which are what 
> actually comprise the code, are what are scoped. 
> If in a language like Lisp I were to take any quoted atom and think of 
> that as a mathematical variable, that would lead to a lot of 
> confusion. What is 'a? Is it a real number? Is it a complex number? Is 
> it a string? Is it a list of lists? It can be any of those things, 
> depending on what scope it is in in the language. 
> > Can any program variable in python have assumptions? 
> > Or are declared vars what can have assumptions? 
> > Are vars bound in some nice discipline in which they can be shadowed and 
> > layered in 
> > some way?  Are there trees of contexts in which assumptions live (which 
> is 
> > what Maxima does, but only if you ask.) 
> The answer is not so easy because as Sergey notes, there are two 
> independent systems in SymPy, the so-called old assumptions, which are 
> almost as old as SymPy itself (at least as far as I can tell), and the 
> new assumptions, which aren't really new anymore, but still lack the 
> ability to deduce most things, since most development effort has gone 
> into improving the old system. 
> In the old system, to *apply* an assumption, you put it on a Symbol, 
> like Symbol('x', positive=True). You cannot apply an assumption to 
> anything other than a symbol in the old assumptions. This creates a 
> distinct symbol from Symbol('x'). To ask about an assumption, you 
> check an attribute of the object, like x.is_real or 
> (2*x).is_nonnegative. This gives True if it is known to be true, False 
> if it is known to be False, or None if it can't be deduced (either 
> because the algorithms aren't implemented or because it could be 
> either). The possible assumptions are hard-coded into the system, and 
> the deduction system is fairly simple (though quite fast). Basically, 
> deductions are made by computing all possible facts more or less from 
> a "transitive closure" of the inferences (it's alpha and beta 
> deduction). 
> In the new assumptions, the assumptions are not really applied. They 
> are just facts that you can write down about an expression. You can 
> write down a fact about any kind of expression, not just a symbol. 
> These facts are like Q.positive(x), Q.negative(x + 1), or 
> And(Q.positive(x), Q.negative(x)). To ask about an assumption, you use 
> something like ask(Q.negative(x), Q.positive(-x)). This translates to 
> "is x negative given that -x is positive?". The output is 
> True/False/None again. This uses a combination of some hard-coded 
> lookups and a SAT solver. 
> Note that writing down Q.positive(x) doesn't assume that x is 
> positive. It just creates an object that represents that logical 
> predicate. That object can later be used in the appropriate places to 
> assume this, or to ask about it, or to create large predicates. 
> There is also some very simple notion of "global" assumptions, i.e., 
> if you use assume(Q.positive(x)), it will enter the fact into some 
> global assumptions table, which is used automatically by ask(). You 
> can also nest these contexts with with blocks like 
> with assuming(Q.positive(x)): 
>   with assuming(Q.whatever(x)): 
>     ... 
> This is still proof-of-concept more than anything though. In fact, 
> anything "new assumptions" is more or less proof of concept, because 
> the actual code in SymPy that implements facts and the code that uses 
> the assumptions, e.g., in the solvers, all use the old assumptions 
> system. 
> > 
> > There is a whole crowd of people.  Well, not such a big crowd really, 
> but a 
> > bunch 
> > of people who write about MKM  mathematical knowledge manipulation. 
> > 
> > If you are embarking on a path to (in effect) re-invent this stuff, 
> probably 
> > it is 
> > a good idea to read about other peoples' (sometimes quite ineffective) 
> > approaches. 
> Some of these approaches have already been reinvented by SymPy, I'm 
> sure. This is part of the reason we have two assumptions systems 
> (three if you count my approach in 
> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/2508, which effectively takes the 
> new assumptions system and uses the SAT solver exclusiviely, which 
> gives some very powerful possibilities). 
> > 
> > But I may be all wet on whether this is related to sympy. 
> > 
> > RJF 
> > 
> > On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 10:20:12 AM UTC-8, Aaron Meurer wrote: 
> >> 
> >> I agree that the new assumptions can be cumbersome. We should 
> >> definitely keep support for old style assumptions syntax (Symbol('x', 
> >> positive=True). The downside to it is that that doesn't work for 
> >> expressions. Your idea, of basically tying assumptions to an 
> >> expression, is interesting. How would Guard (which probably needs a 
> >> better name) work in Python? Would it subclass the expression type? If 
> >> so, we'd need to fix https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/6751. 
> >> 
> >> OTOH, it is also often very useful to keep assumptions completely 
> >> separate from expressions, and we should not disallow that use-case. 
> >> 
> >> Also, I should point out that you can't use "with" as a method name as 
> >> it's a reserved keyword in Python. 
> >> 
> >> > x.with(Q.positive(x)) + x.with(Q.real(x)) 
> >> > ---> Guard(2*x,Q.positive(x) & Q.real(x)) 
> >> 
> >> This seems problematic to me. Currently, the way the old assumptions 
> >> work, which is fairly sane, is that symbols with the same name but 
> >> different assumptions compare different. So Symbol('x', positive=True) 
> >> + Symbol('x', real=True) will result in x + x, with the two x's being 
> >> distinct symbols. 
> >> 
> >> I think figuring out the correct thing to do in this case is the key 
> >> to getting something like this to work. 
> >> 
> >> Aaron Meurer 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Dan Buchoff <daniel....@gmail.com> 
> >> wrote: 
> >> > This proposal is a little far-reaching, but I think it solves some 
> real 
> >> > issues with the ease of use of refine and provides a reasonable way 
> >> > forward 
> >> > for typed symbols. 
> >> > 
> >> > The problem with refine is that: 
> >> > (1) It's wordy. Assumptions on symbols are succinct and easy. 
> >> > (2) It requires explicit invocation so it requires the developer to 
> >> > refine 
> >> > before simplifying and simplify can't take advantage of refinements. 
> >> > (3) You must track your simplifying assumptions and since these are 
> >> > separate 
> >> > from the expression, it's too easy to refine on assumptions that 
> later 
> >> > don't 
> >> > apply. 
> >> > 
> >> > Introduce a new type: Guard 
> >> > Guard(expr,axiom) - an expression which has meaning if the axiom is 
> true 
> >> > Expr.with(axiom) - turns an expression into a Guard based on the 
> given 
> >> > axiom 
> >> > 
> >> > This solves the problem by: 
> >> > (1) still allowing assumptions attached to symbols, handling them in 
> a 
> >> > sane 
> >> > way 
> >> > (2) tracking your assumptions so they can be used while simplifying 
> >> > (3) requiring you to explicitly detach an expression from its 
> >> > assumptions 
> >> > 
> >> > For the simplest case, this provides typed expressions: 
> >> > (x**2).with(Q.integer(x)) 
> >> > ---> Guard(x**2, Q.integer(x)) 
> >> > 
> >> > Axioms distribute over application, so each expression only needs one 
> >> > set of 
> >> > axioms 
> >> > a1.with(p1) + a2.with(p2) 
> >> > ---> Guard(a1 + a2, p1 & p2) 
> >> > 
> >> > x.with(Q.positive(x)) + x.with(Q.real(x)) 
> >> > ---> Guard(2*x,Q.positive(x) & Q.real(x)) 
> >> > 
> >> > Axioms are taken to be the current assumption context, so rewrite 
> rules 
> >> > can 
> >> > be applied more immediately. 
> >> > sqrt(x**2).with(Q.nonnegative(x)) 
> >> > ---> Guard(x,Q.nonnegative(x)) 
> >> > 
> >> > This elegantly solves the issue of typed expressions by unifying 
> their 
> >> > assumptions, possibly resulting in a contradiction (which may be 
> >> > implemented 
> >> > as a special value or a ContradictionError) 
> >> > Q.positive(x)+Q.negative(x) 
> >> > ---> x.with(Q.positive(x) & Q.negative(x)) 
> >> > simplify(_) 
> >> > ---> Contradiction 
> >> > 
> >> > Thoughts? 
> >> > 
> >> > -- 
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