*1.You the person* 

My name is Anas Belkhadir I'm from Morocco i study computer science at 
university ibn tofail and I'm 20 years old.

When I was 13 I started to be interested in how to create website but the 
probleme i have access to internet just 2h peer weeks and my english wasn't 
good just knew some words but the end i have create my website e-commerce 
when i was 15 years old . My parents don't allow me to use computer so it 
was difficulte to me remember all think ,but in the summer i sarted 
learning c++ and i have done all basis tools  unfortunately the sessions of 
my school started so the computer go back to the "secret box"  until i had 
got my hight school certificate.

Last years i had sarted courses from edx and completed : 
6.00.1x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming. 
<https://courses.edx.org/courses/MITx/6.00.1x/3T2013/info> 6.00.2x 
Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science 
<https://courses.edx.org/courses/MITx/6.00.2x/1T2014/info>. UT.5.01x LAFF: 
Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers 

from coursera i had took this courses :

Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 

Algorithmic Thinking 

and from udacity i had took this courses:

Software testing

Software debugging(Don't finish yet)

for my English is intermediate but in the end of may i will be at level 


Email :belkhadir.a...@gmail.com

Github :belkhadir

 *2.You the programmer*

My platform is centos , the editor i prefer is idle because i feel 
comfortable with him

i had worked on the most classic algorithm like depth first search , the 
shortest path, min cut using python . there's a lot of project done when i 
took MOOC i haven't published to respect the honor of code.

i had spent 1years and months working with it . My favorite features of 
Python is the syntax you can write small code it like writing the 
pseudo-code , i don't think a lot how to write my code in Python but to 
solve the problem . The standard library functionality i had used is : 

The most favorite feature of SymPy : we can writing the formula mathematics 
with the object Symbole :

>>> import sympy
>>> x=sympy.Symbol('x')
>>> exp = (x**2)*(x**3)*(x**4)
>>> print exp

 I had never use git

 3.You and your project 

I want to achieve : writing unit-test.

The most excites think about this project is how can make problem to solve 
for scientific person easy

with out thinking a lot or for student who want to check if the exercise is 
True or False .

The qualifications i want to implement in sequence the think make me 
interested because i had studied on a long time at my university and i love 
it .

The other people done on this idea : *Specific types of sequences , 
Operation with sequences, The formula of multiplication is similar Cauchy 
product of sequenses.*

Yes it posted before *:*

 i will spend on this project all my weekend and if i have free time in the 
week and after summer of code i will do the same think . I haven't any plan 
to do it for the summer i will be free but it depend when the session at my 
university finish 

I live in Morocco the time here is GMT+0 so all the day i will work on it 
at morning 9h00 at 13 h00

and take break for 1 h and will start again the 14h30 until i finish what i 
should TODO.








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