To all students interested in GSoC, you can now submit your proposals
to Melange. Some very important things:

- Please make sure your application follows the template outlined at In
particular, make sure you put "SymPy: " in the front of the title your
application, so that we can find it among the other applications to
the umbrella organizations.

- Submit your application to both PSF and NumFOCUS. We don't know how
Google will allocate slots to each organization, so applying to both
will make it the easiest for us to accept who we want.

- I believe there are some other orgs you can apply under for some
CSymPy projects. Ask Ondrej for more information about this.

- We suggest putting your application on the SymPy wiki for reviewing.
This lets people who aren't in Melange review your application, and it
also is much easier to read things in the wiki than in Melange.
However, please remember that you MUST SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION IN
MELANGE. It is not possible to accept you if you do not do this.

- The application deadline is March 27, 19:00 UTC. Google will not
accept late applications for any reason, so get them in there. There
have been issues in the past with submissions right up at the
deadline, so submit your application early. You will be able to edit
your application in Melange up until the deadline, so if you have a
draft, submit it now, and update it as you modify it.

- If you have any other questions, first check if they are answered in
the FAQ 
and if now, ask here.

Aaron Meurer

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