On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 5:14:41 AM UTC+2, Ondřej Čertík wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> >> Hi, 
> >> 
> >> Our Meijer G-function integrator can find integrals (definite and 
> >> indefinite) of any function that can be expressed as a Meijer 
> >> G-function thanks to the formulas here: 
> >> 
> >> 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/MeijerG/21/ShowAll.html 
> >> 
> >> I.e. an integral of a Meijer G-function is also a Meijer G-function. 
> >> The definite integral has tons of conditions that SymPy checks, but 
> >> the formula for the indefinite integral (i.e. the antiderivative) 
> >> always holds. 
> >> 
> >> Then one converts the final Meijer G-function into elementary 
> >> functions if possible, or leaves it as is if it is not possible. This 
> >> part is robust. 
> >> 
> >> What is not robust is how to rewrite a given function into a Meijer 
> >> G-function. This is done by the `meijerint._rewrite1` function (btw, 
> >> we should expose it as a public function). For example: 
> >> 
> >> In [1]: meijerint._rewrite1((cos(x)/x), x) 
> >> Out[1]: (1, 1/x, [(sqrt(pi), 0, meijerg(((), ()), ((0,), (1/2,)), 
> >> x**2/4))], True) 
> >> 
> >> In [2]: meijerint._rewrite1((sin(x)/x), x) 
> >> Out[2]: (1, 1/x, [(sqrt(pi), 0, meijerg(((), ()), ((1/2,), (0,)), 
> >> x**2/4))], True) 
> >> 
> >> In [3]: meijerint._rewrite1((cos(x)/x)**2, x) 
> >> 
> >> In [4]: meijerint._rewrite1((sin(x)/x)**2, x) 
> >> Out[4]: 
> >> (1, 
> >>  x**(-2), 
> >>  [(sqrt(pi)/2, 0, meijerg(((0,), (1/2, 1/2, 1)), ((0, 1/2), ()), 
> x**(-2)))], 
> >>  True) 
> >> 
> >> In [3] it didn't find the solution, yet a similar expression involving 
> >> sin(x) instead of cos(x) works in [4]. 
> >> 
> >> Let's figure out a systematic algorithm. For that, you start with the 
> >> elementary functions, that would be sin(x), cos(x) and "x" in the 
> >> above expression, look their G-function representation, and then use 
> >> the *, /, +, - and ** operations on the G-functions, that's it. 
> >> 
> >> Now the problem is, that there doesn't seem to be a formula for a 
> >> product of two G functions, e.g. I didn't see one here: 
> >> 
> >> 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/MeijerG/16/ShowAll.html 
> >> 
> >> the formula 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/MeijerG/16/02/01/0001/ 
> >> that you see there only seems to be using some even more generalized G 
> >> function of two variables? It doesn't seem to be useful here. Can 
> >> someone confirm that one cannot express a product of two G-functions 
> >> as a G-function? 
> >> 
> >> So a solution is to simply have a robust method to rewrite any 
> >> expression as a hypergeometric function and then use the formula here 
> >> to convert the hypergeometric function to a G-function: 
> >> 
> >> 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/HypergeometricPFQ/26/03/01/0001/
> >> 
> >> There are just a few functions that can be expressed as a G-function 
> >> but not as a hypergeometric function, some examples are: Bessel 
> >> functions Y, K (for integer order), Whittaker function W, Legendre 
> >> function Q_mu_nu and a few others. So for these functions we have to 
> >> figure out something else, probably something that we do now. 
> >> 
> >> Also we can then use the integration formulas here for hypergeometric 
> >> functions, so we don't even have to go via G-functions: 
> >> 
> >> 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/HypergeometricPFQ/21/ShowAll.html
> >> 
> >> It seems the conditions on definite integration are a lot simpler as 
> well. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> So here is the algorithm for hypergeometric functions, I'll show it on 
> >> the (sin(x)/x)**2 example above: 
> >> 
> >> 1) sin(x) = x * 0F1(3/2; -x^2/4) 
> >> 
> >> 2) sin(x) / x = 0F1(3/2; -x^2/4) 
> >> 
> >> 3) (sin(x)/x)**2 = 0F1(3/2; -x^2/4) * 0F1(3/2; -x^2/4) = 2F3(3/2,1; 
> >> 3/2,3/2,2; -x^2) 
> >> 
> >> Where we used the formula for a product of two 0F1 functions: 
> >> 
> >> 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/Hypergeometric0F1/16/ShowAll.html
> >> 
> >> 4) Finally, rewrite 2F3(3/2,1; 3/2,3/2,2; -x^2) as a G-function, or 
> >> integrate directly. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> A general formula for multiplication of two hypergeometric series is 
> here: 
> >> 
> >> 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/HypergeometricPFQ/16/ShowAll.html
> >> 
> >> But I can see now that this only expresses the result as a Taylor 
> >> series. So maybe I just got lucky that the multiplication of two 0F1 
> >> functions exists (in terms of 2F3), but there is no such formula for a 
> >> general PFQ function. Can someone confirm this? 
> >> 
> >> So then the other idea is that one can identify a hypergeometric 
> >> function from the series expansion. Essentially, we expand into a 
> >> series, calculate the ratio t_{k+1}/t_k of two successive terms, and 
> >> if it is a rational function of "k", then it is a hypergeometric 
> >> function and you read the coefficients directly. Let's do the same 
> >> example again: 
> >> 
> >> 1) sin^2(x) = Sum(((-1)**(k - 1)* 2**(2* k - 1)* 
> >> x**(2*k))/factorial(2*k), (k, 1, oo)) 
> >> 
> >> 2) (sin(x)/x)**2 = sin^2(x)/x^2 = Sum(((-1)**(k - 1)* 2**(2* k - 1)* 
> >> x**(2*k-2))/factorial(2*k), (k, 1, oo)) 
> >> = Sum(((-1)**k * 2**(2*k+1) * x**(2*k))/factorial(2*k+2), (k, 0, oo)) 
> >> = Sum((2**(2*k+1) * (-x**2)**k))/factorial(2*k+2), (k, 0, oo)) 
> >> 
> >> So the series is of the form sum_k t_k*(-x^2)^k where 
> >> 
> >> t_k = 2**(2*k+1)/factorial(2*k+2) 
> >> 
> >> 3) Calculate t_{k+1} / t_k: 
> >> 
> >> In [78]: t_k = 2**(2*k+1)/factorial(2*k+2) 
> >> 
> >> In [79]: t_k.subs(k, k+1) / t_k 
> >> Out[79]: 2**(-2*k - 1)*2**(2*k + 3)*factorial(2*k + 2)/factorial(2*k + 
> 4) 
> >> 
> >> In [80]: _.simplify() 
> >> Out[80]: 2/((k + 2)*(2*k + 3)) 
> >> 
> >> We write the last formula as: 
> >> 
> >> 2/((k + 2)*(2*k + 3)) =  (k+1) / ((k+3/2)*(k+2)*(k+1)) 
> >> 
> >> And we read off the hypergeometric function as 1F2(1; 3/2, 2; -x^2). 
> > 
> > Btw, this procedure is explained at the page 36 of the freely 
> > available A=B book, together with many examples: 
> > 
> > https://www.math.upenn.edu/~wilf/Downld.html 
> > 
> > As they show, one can definitely determine if a given series is 
> > hypergeometric (and find the function) or not. So the only hard part 
> > is to find the series expansion of the final expression in closed form 
> > (i.e. as an infinite sum, but have a closed form expression for each 
> > coefficient) and then apply this algorithm. 
> > 
> > Looking at the chapters 4 and 5, I think we can actually make use of 
> > the general multiplication formula here: 
> > 
> > 
> http://functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/HypergeometricPFQ/16/ShowAll.html
> > 
> > Since it takes two general hypergeometric functions, multiplies them 
> > and writes the result as an infinite series: Sum(c_k * z**k, (k, 0, 
> > oo)), where the coefficients c_k are given using a hypergeometric 
> > function. Then we apply the algorithm from page 36 to determine 
> > whether or not this sum can be written as a hypergeometric function, 
> > and if so, which one (i.e. by calculating and simplifying 
> > c_{k+1}/c_k). So this is what we need to implement. And the chapters 4 
> > and 5 also treat similar sums, where the c_k coefficients are given 
> > using a hypergeometric function. 
> Here is a script that implements it: 
> https://gist.github.com/certik/a47e2040d9a44812e2f2 
> I tested a few examples (see the commented out lines in the script) 
> and it works as expected. 
> One starts with two hypergeometric sequences, it calculates the 
> coefficients in the infinite series of the product, then calculates 
> the ratio. E.g. for the example above the ratio is: 
> -gamma(k + 3/2)/((k + 2)*gamma(k + 5/2)) 
> It would be nice if sympy could simplify it to: 
> -1/((k + 2)*(k+3/2)) = -(k+1)/((k + 2)*(k+3/2)*(k+1)) 
> But in the meantime I simply read the hypergeometric function manually 
> in the script as hyper([1], [2, S(3)/2], -z) in this case. Then the 
> script compares the series expansions to show that it works. 
> So I think this is a viable approach. 
> Ondrej 
> P.S. One thing that I don't understand is the cos^2(x) case. The 
> general formula is: 
> 0F1^2(b; z) = 2F3(b, b-1/2; b, b, 2b-1; 4z) = 1F2(b-1/2; b, 2b-1; 4z) 
> E.g. for sin(x)/x we have b=3/2 and get 0F1^2(3/2; -x^2/4) = 1F2(1; 
> 3/2, 2; -x^2), consistent with above. But for cos(x) we get b=1/2 and: 
> cos^2(x) = 0F1^2(1/2; -x^2/4) = 1F2(0; 1/2, 0; -x^2) 
> Which is not well defined. However, I have experimentally found out, that: 
> cos^2(x) = 0F1(1/2; -x^2) + x^2*1F2(1; 3/2, 2; -x^2) 
> >>> hyperexpand(hyper([], [S(1)/2], -x**2) + x**2*hyper([1], [S(3)/2, 2], 
> -x**2)).trigsimp() 
> cos(x)**2 
> The script for this case returns a ratio of: 
> -gamma(k + 1/2)/((k + 1)*gamma(k + 3/2)) = -1/((k+1)*(k+1/2)) 
> Which would suggest 0F1(1/2; -x^2) as the solution, but that is incorrect: 
> >>> hyperexpand(hyper([], [S(1)/2], -x**2)) 
> cos(2*x) 
> since cos(2*x) = cos^2(x) - sin^2(x) and one needs to add 
> sin^2(x)=x^2*1F2(1; 3/2, 2; -x^2) to it, as shown above. Since this 
> case is essentially a linear combination of hypergeometric functions, 
> maybe something in the algorithm fails. I would expect the ratio to 
> return something that is not a rational function, since the result is 
> not just one hypergeometric function. One would have to look into this 
> more. 

To get 0F1^2(1/2; x) from the formula

0F1^2(b; z) = 1F2(b-1/2; b, 2b-1; 4z)

it seems necessary to consider the limit  b -> 1/2. The coefficients of the 
1F2 series,
after the constant term 1,

rf(b-1/2, n)/rf(b, n)rf(2b-1, n)n! = (b-1/2)rf(b+1/2, n-1)/(2b-1)rf(2b, 
n-1)rf(b, n)n!


rf(1, n-1)/2rf(1, n-1)rf(1/2, n)n! = 1/2rf(1/2, n)n!,

i.e., one half of the coefficients of 0F1(1/2; z).
Hence we get

0F1^2(1/2; z) = 1 + (0F1(1/2; 4z) - 1)/2 = (1 + 0F1(1/2; 4z))/2

which is not a hypergeometric series (as a series of 4z).
The ratio of its consecutive coefficients is the same as
in  0F1 except at the first step where it is only one half
of the expected value.


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