
 please have a look at the following code:

from sympy import *

X,Y,Z = symbols("\X,\Y,\Z")

Rxy,Rxz, Ry,Ryx,Ryz, Rz,Rzy,Rzz  = symbols("\\RXY,\\RXZ,  \\RY,\\RYX,\\RYZ, 
Rzy1,Rzy2  = symbols("\\RZYI,\\RZYII")

dimensionless_DES_list = [X*(1-X - Ryx*Y),
                          Ry*Y*(1 - Y + Rxy*X + Rzy1*Z - Rzy2*Z*Z),
                          Rz*Z(-Rzz + Rxz*X + Ryz* Y)]

equilibria = solve( dimensionless_DES_list,(X,Y,Z))

if I execute it I have the following results:

[{\Y: 0, \X: 0},
 {\Y: \RZYI*\Z - \RZYII*\Z**2 + 1, \X: 0},
 {\Y: 0, \X: 1},
 {\Y: (\RXY + \RZYI*\Z - \RZYII*\Z**2 + 1)/(\RXY*\RYX + 1),
  \X: (-\RYX*\RZYI*\Z + \RYX*\RZYII*\Z**2 - \RYX + 1)/(\RXY*\RYX + 1)}]

The System is just solved for the Variables X and Y and NOT for Z. What is 
the reason? 

I use the following python enviroment.
~$ ipython
Python 2.7.12 |Anaconda 4.2.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jul  2 2016, 17:42:40) 

# packages in environment at /home/atille/.anaconda2:
sympy                     1.0                      py27_0  

Thank you in advance.

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