
I took a look at the GSoC 2017 ideas and I saw that one of the topics was 
the code generation. You said that there is work on updating the system 
ongoing. I'm really interested to know what this work is about. 

I will try to explain why. I develop a Python package call pyLBM 
(https://www.math.u-psud.fr/pyLBM/) to use lattice Boltzmann methods. The 
idea is that a user specifies his symbolic scheme for LBM using sympy and 
then we generate the numerical code associated. In the master of pyLBM, we 
implement our own template to write cython and numpy versions. But, few 
weeks ago, I have decided to look at the code generation in sympy because 
we want to add other implementation like pythran or loopy easily and it is 
a lot of pain with our template. I think also that with sympy it could be 
easy to add some strategies during the code generation like cache blocking, 
SIMD, loop unrolling, ...

The codeprinters in sympy are very useful and save a lot of time. On the 
other side, I had some difficulties with the original codegen to generate a 
numerical code so I have to rewrite it. For the moment, I have a cython 
version but it is very extensible. I will implement the numpy, pythran and 
loopy versions in few days.

The current implementation of codegen support only MatrixSymbol, so I had 
to add Matrix expression. I also supposed that all expression must be an 
equality (for the moment). It was also difficult to write loop with only 
the Idx so I add a sympy expression called Loop to set a loop block in my 

I show you just two examples of the input and output.

First example

from pyLBM.generator import codegen
from sympy import *

M = Matrix([[1/4,  1/2,     0,  1/4],
            [1/4,     0,  1/2, -1/4],
            [1/4, -1/2,     0,  1/4],
            [1/4,     0, -1/2, -1/4]])

f = MatrixSymbol('f', 4, 1)
m = MatrixSymbol('m', 4, 1)

res = codegen(('m2f', Eq(f, M*m)), "cython", header=False)

def m2f(double[::1] f, double[::1] m):

    f[0] = 0.25*m[0] + 0.5*m[1] + 0.25*m[3]
    f[1] = 0.25*m[0] + 0.5*m[2] - 0.25*m[3]
    f[2] = 0.25*m[0] - 0.5*m[1] + 0.25*m[3]
    f[3] = 0.25*m[0] - 0.5*m[2] - 0.25*m[3]

Second example

from pyLBM.generator import codegen, Loop
from sympy import *
from sympy.abc import z

n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
A = IndexedBase('A', shape=(m, n, 4))
ff = IndexedBase('f', shape=(m, n, 4))
i = Idx('i', m)
j = Idx('j', n)
k = Idx('k', 4)

m = MatrixSymbol('m', 4, 1)

mnew = Matrix([A[i, j, kk] for kk in range(4)])
fnew = Matrix([ff[i, j, kk] for kk in range(4)])

eq = Matrix([[m[0]],
             [ 0.0]])

for ii in range(mnew.shape[0]):
    eq = eq.subs(m[ii], mnew[ii])

l2 = Loop('l2', k, Eq(z,k, evaluate=False))
l1 = Loop('l1', (i, j), [Eq(fnew, eq, evaluate=False), l2])

res = codegen(('test', l1), "CYTHON", header=False)

def test(double[:, :, ::1] f, double[:, :, ::1] A, double z):
    cdef int j
    cdef int k
    cdef int i

    for i in range(0, m):
        for j in range(0, n):
            f[i, j, 0] = A[i, j, 0]
            f[i, j, 1] = A[i, j, 1]
            f[i, j, 2] = A[i, j, 2]
            f[i, j, 3] = 0.0
            for k in range(0, 4):
                z = k

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