The current implementation of quaternions (sympy/algebras/quaternion) 
requires that the arguments are commutative expressions. But I can't see a 
good reason for this limitation; quaternions with non-commutative arguments 
make perfect sense and do arise in some areas of mathematics. For example, 
given any non-commutative real algebra, we can consider its 
"quaternionification", i.e. its tensor product with the quaternions over 
the real numbers, which can be viewed as quaternions with non-commutative 
arguments. For instance, quaternionifications of Lie algebras come up 
naturally (at least in my field), and it would be good to be able to 
implement this in SymPy.

I would be happy to make the necessary changes to the quaternion module to 
allow for quaternions with non-commutative arguments. But before I start 
coding, I wanted to see with the SymPy community if this change would be 
likely to be accepted.

Thank you.

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