Hello there, I am Abhishek Vora a machine learning, deep learning and 
computer vision enthusiast. I had begin my journey in this field 2 years 
ago. I have worked with various libraries in building my projects including 
numpy,scipy, matlotlib etc. and also sympy  for my mathematical 
calculations. I have some experience in using this library. I love this 
library which makes the mathematical calculations easier and also as maths 
is one of my favorite subjects. I have a very good understanding of the 
mathematical concepts.I have been studying maths from school until now in 
college. I have  almost 2 years of experience in python building machine 
learning models.Other topic which interests me is physics.I have been 
studying computer algebra from my high school an also studying  in the 
current b.tech course.So, ia ma very much familiar to the computer agebra  

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