Maxima and Maple can batch-execute a text file of commands, showing input 
interspersed with output:

$ maxima -b t.mac
Maxima 5.44.0
using Lisp CLISP 2.49+ (2010-07-17)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) batch("t.mac")

read and interpret /t.mac
(%i2) 1+2
(%o2)                                  3
(%i3) 2+3
(%o3)                                  5
(%o4)                /t.mac


This is often my preferred method of interacting. Mathematica can't. Sympy 
can't as far as I know because Python doesn't work like that in batch mode 
from the command line, as far as I know. For Sympy, to get the effect I 
want, I have to enter the input lines as individual cells in a Jupyter 
notebook. If I then need to copy paste the cells to another notebook, I 
can't, because JupyterLab lacks that functionality.

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