This is my first email. I'm starting to use sympy, which I find 
fascinating, and I have some questions that couldn't be answered after 
going through the documentation and stackoverflow website.

   - level of familiarity with python (years of programming, previous 

I learned python maybe 15 years ago, but I have a weird level of 
familiarity with python. Now I mainly program with R, and I use python for 
things that cannot be done in R :) 

   - mathematical education level (high school / ... / PhD?)

Mostly from my work in statistics and computational modeling

   - particular expertise (physics? biology? ...subtopics)

Cognitive science.

   - particular algorithmic interests

Statistics, probability distributions, computational models, signal 

   - level of familiarity with symbolic math systems "computer algebra". 
   Perhaps even course work in (say) algebra or books read.

   - your familiarity with SymPy (e.g. how have you used SymPy)?

I'm using it to approximate complex probability distributions

   - other possibly relevant information -- geographical location? native 

I'm an assistant professor in Cognitive Science and AI in Tilburg 
University, more information about me can be found in 

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