On Fri, 19 Mar 2021 at 17:48, ARUN V <aruneducatio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi i am ARUN.V,
>          i have three years experience in python
> i am here to build a new library for physics the topic i have took is 
> "neuclear physics"
> here i am going to build a library for calculating the output for
> Fission.
> Fusion.
> the library i build will give output like
> giving the list of elements formed during the chain reaction
> and final energy emitted out
> this is the project that i am going to build for sympy
> so mentors please say your oppenian please
> so i can think about weather to countinue this project or think about
> anyother project

You have not given anywhere near enough detail for anyone to give a
sensible comment on this as a proposal.

It only really makes sense for sympy to have modules for topics in
Physics if some nontrivial symbolic calculations can be done. If the
proposal is to add a module that just uses sympy to calculate some
things with standard formulas then that's out of scope for SymPy.


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