Here is galgebra/sympy code for vector derivatives in rectangular and spherical coordinate with output annotated using latex -

def derivatives_in_rectangular_coordinates():
    X = (x,y,z) = symbols('x y z') #coordinates
    o3d = Ga('e_x e_y e_z',g=[1,1,1],coords=X) #Rectangular coordinate basis
    (ex,ey,ez) = #basis vectors
    grad = o3d.grad #gradient operator

    f ='f','scalar',f=True) #scalar function
    A ='A','vector',f=True) #vector function
    B ='B','bivector',f=True) #bivector function
    C ='C','mv') #general multivector function
    gprint('f =',f)
    gprint('A =',A)
    gprint('B =',B)
    gprint('C =',C)

    gprint('\\nabla f =',grad*f) #gradient of scalar function
    gprint('\\nabla\\cdot A =',grad|A) #divergence of vector function
    gprint('\\nabla A =',grad*A) #geometric derivative of vector function

    gprint('\\nabla\\times A = -I*(\\nabla\\wedge A) =',-o3d.I()*(grad^A)) #curl of vector function     gprint('\\nabla B =',grad*B) # geometric derivative of bivector function     gprint('\\nabla\\wedge B =',grad^B) # exterior derivative of bivector function
    gprint('\\nabla\\cdot B =',grad|B) # divergence of bivector function

def derivatives_in_spherical_coordinates():
    X = (r,th,phi) = symbols('r theta phi')
    s3d = Ga('e_r e_theta e_phi',g=[1,r**2,r**2*sin(th)**2],coords=X,norm=True)
    (er,eth,ephi) =
    grad = s3d.grad

    f ='f','scalar',f=True)
    A ='A','vector',f=True)
    B ='B','bivector',f=True)

    gprint('f =',f)
    gprint('A =',A)
    gprint('B =',B)

    gprint('\\nabla f =',grad*f)
    gprint('\\nabla\\cdot A =',grad|A)
    gprint('\\nabla\\times A = -I*(\\nabla\\wedge A) =',(-s3d.E()*(grad^A)).simplify())
    gprint('\\nabla\\wedge B =',grad^B)

On 5/13/21 10:58 AM, Ryan D Johnson wrote:
Oscar makes a good point here:

Conceptually this is a bit muddled though as it conflates vectors with points. Formally what is wanted here is to evaluate a scalar field at a point represented by a particular position vector wrt some reference frame. I don't know if the vector module has the concept of a point as opposed to a vector.

It turns out sympy.vector does indeed have a Point class. It occurs to me that I could also dot with each basis vector. Both of these handle the case of a zero-valued component without introducing an if clause to the list comprehension (a problem with my original example, as Davide pointed out).

But as far as I can tell, there’s no way to get the coordinates in a format compatible with subs, so however you get the components you still end up having to zip them with the base vectors from CoordSys3D. Here are three conceptually more pleasing ways to get a tuple of components:

    In [1]: import sympy

    In [2]: import sympy.vector

    In [3]: R3 = sympy.vector.CoordSys3D("R3")

    In [4]: t = sympy.Symbol("t", real=True)

    In [5]: g = t * R3.i - t**2 * R3.j - 0 * R3.k

    In [6]: # Three different ways to get the components as a tuple:

    In [7]: R3.origin.locate_new(‘P', g).express_coordinates(R3) #
    Using Point
    Out[7]: (t, -t**2, 0)

    In [8]: tuple( for b in R3.base_vectors()) # dot product
    with each basis
    Out[8]: (t, -t**2, 0)

    In [9]: tuple(g.to_matrix(R3))
    Out[9]: (t, -t**2, 0)

If I were just making stuff up, it would be great if there were operations to (a) get the point at the end of a vector given a starting point and (b) convert a point to a dictionary or tuple in a format that subs is happy to consume. So something like:


But even if we just had (b) we could write

    R3.origin.locate_new(‘P', g).to_dict(R3)

Seems a shame to keep passing the coordinate system, but Point doesn’t look like it remembers it.

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