Hi all,

Thanks to all the contributors to SymPy - such a fantastic project.

The recent 1.9 update changed the internal implementation of the 
SparseMatrix class. This means pickle files of sparse matrices created with 
SymPy <=1.8 cannot be loaded by v1.9, and vice versa.

The radioactivedecay <https://github.com/alexmalins/radioactivedecay> 
package distributes some pre-calculated SymPy sparse matices containing 
processed nuclear data as part of the package. Currently it uses pickle 
files for this, but I was wondering if there is a more robust alternative 
that is still efficient?

I looked at saving srepr strings to a text file, then reloading through 
sympify. However srepr of a SparseMarix outputs the full matrix, including 
Integer(0)'s for every zero element. The results in large file sizes, with 
slow saving & loading. (radioactivedecay's sparse matrices are circa 
1500x1500 in size with 99.7% sparsity, so it really kills performance)

Is anyone aware of a better way to load and save SparseMatrix objects to 

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