I have a system of longish equations and when calling .solve() on it, I get 
this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Andreas 
line 109, in <module>
    result = solve(equations, (CM0, theta_i, theta_j, theta_k, i, a, 
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 1096, in solve
    solution = _solve_system(f, symbols, **flags)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 1730, in _solve_system
    i, d = _invert(g, *symbols)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 3118, in _invert
    rhs -= indep
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 2194, in __sub__
    return Rational.__sub__(self, other)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 89, in __sympifyit_wrapper
    return func(a, b)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 1725, in __sub__
    return Number.__sub__(self, other)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 89, in __sympifyit_wrapper
    return func(a, b)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 733, in __sub__
    return AtomicExpr.__sub__(self, other)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 251, in _func
    return func(self, other)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 126, in binary_op_wrapper
    return f(self)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 127, in binary_op_wrapper
    return func(self, other)
  File "C:\Users\Andreas 
line 352, in __rsub__
    raise TypeError("Invalid argument types for subtraction")
TypeError: Invalid argument types for subtraction

Process finished with exit code 1

I stared at my code long and hard, and fixed all instances of wrong types 
that i could think of. Also, in order to catch the error earlier, I tried 
insterting .simplify() calls in places that might benefit from them - but 
the process ran for hours, doing the simplyfy() without even reaching the 
solve() call.

So I am asking for tricks to investigate the types and them fitting 
together, earlier. You can find my code attached. (please critique it, I 
want to learn!).

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import sympy
from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D, express
from sympy import symbols, Eq, solve
from sympy.vector import AxisOrienter
#import numpy as np

pi = sympy.pi
mu_0 = symbols("mu_0")

Sys_sensors = CoordSys3D('Sys_sensors')
O = Sys_sensors.origin

# Earths magnetic field along the sensors vector components
B_x, B_y, B_z = symbols("B_x, B_y, B_z")
B_earth = B_x * Sys_sensors.i + B_y * Sys_sensors.j + B_z * Sys_sensors.k

#sensor_coordinates = np.array([(.265, 0, .382), (0, .712, .764), (0, .712, 0), 
(.752, .712, .382)])
equations = []
# Points of measurement 1-4 (Sensors) (all sensors are aligned and in the same 
Frame of reference)
m01, m02, m03, m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 = symbols('m:4(1:4)')
M0 = O.locate_new('M0', m01 * Sys_sensors.i + m02 * Sys_sensors.j + m03 * 
M1 = O.locate_new('M1', m11 * Sys_sensors.i + m12 * Sys_sensors.j + m13 * 
M2 = O.locate_new('M2', m21 * Sys_sensors.i + m22 * Sys_sensors.j + m23 * 
M3 = O.locate_new('M3', m31 * Sys_sensors.i + m32 * Sys_sensors.j + m33 * 

# vector from the Origin to each sensor
OM0 = O.position_wrt(M0)
OM1 = O.position_wrt(M1)
OM2 = O.position_wrt(M2)
OM3 = O.position_wrt(M3)

# each of the above points, projected on to the cable
c01, c02, c03, c11, c12, c13, c21, c22, c23, c31, c32, c33 = symbols('c:4(1:4)')
C0 = O.locate_new('C0', c01 * Sys_sensors.i + c02 * Sys_sensors.j + c03 * 
C1 = O.locate_new('C1', c11 * Sys_sensors.i + c12 * Sys_sensors.j + c13 * 
C2 = O.locate_new('C2', c21 * Sys_sensors.i + c22 * Sys_sensors.j + c23 * 
C3 = O.locate_new('C3', c31 * Sys_sensors.i + c32 * Sys_sensors.j + c33 * 

# shortest vector from each Sensor to the cable
CM0 = C0.position_wrt(M0)
CM1 = C1.position_wrt(M1)
CM2 = C2.position_wrt(M2)
CM3 = C3.position_wrt(M3)

# vectors along the cable
C01 = C0.position_wrt(C1)
C02 = C0.position_wrt(C2)
C03 = C0.position_wrt(C3)

# Magnetic field vector measured in the sensors 0...3
B01, B02, B03, B11, B12, B13, B21, B22, B23, B31, B32, B33 = symbols('B:4(1:4)')
B0 = B01*Sys_sensors.i + B02*Sys_sensors.j + B03*Sys_sensors.k
B1 = B11*Sys_sensors.i + B12*Sys_sensors.j + B13*Sys_sensors.k
B2 = B21*Sys_sensors.i + B22*Sys_sensors.j + B23*Sys_sensors.k
B3 = B31*Sys_sensors.i + B32*Sys_sensors.j + B33*Sys_sensors.k

# this notation implies that the dot product is zero, the vectors stand 
perpendicular on each other
equations.append(Eq(C01.dot(CM0), 0))
for (cable_vect, sensor_vect) in zip([CM1, CM2, CM3], [C01, C02, C03]):
    equations.append(Eq(cable_vect.dot(sensor_vect), 0).simplify())

# angels that the cables's reference frame is tilted by against the measurement 
coordinate system
theta_i, theta_j, theta_k = symbols("theta_i, theta_j, theta_k")
axis_orienter_i = AxisOrienter(theta_i, Sys_sensors.i)
axis_orienter_j = AxisOrienter(theta_j, Sys_sensors.j)
axis_orienter_k = AxisOrienter(theta_k, Sys_sensors.k)

# the cable is rotated by the angels theta_i, _j, _k and translated by the 
vector CM0+OM0, from the origin
a, i = symbols("a, i")  # a: diameter of the cable, as well as (fixed) 
orientation of the dipol in the x-y plane,

# note: the rotation of the dipol field in relation to the sensor frame of 
reference is encoded in the thetas above. The rotation around the cable's 
z-axis is equivalent to the rotation of the a vector in the cable's xy-plane.
# i: current in the cable

# the a vector is in the x-y plane. for my purpose its ok if its fixed - say 
along x-axis. a is in the cable's frame of reference, C
# a = C.x + 0*C.y + 0*C.z  #.... i dont know how to do those vectors

# this is in the cable's frame of reference, C
# this function is utterly broken. regard as pseudo-code.
def B_el(r):
    a1 = a
    K = mu_0 * i / pi

    r1 = r.coeff(C.i)
    r2 = r.coeff(C.j)
    r3 = r.coeff(C.k)  # = 0, because
    #              - we chose our vectors that way
    #              - the cable's field is invariant in z-direction
#    u = ((2 * K * r2 * (a1 * r1 + a2 * r2)) / (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2) ** 2 - (K * 
a2) / (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2)) * C.i
#    v = ((K * a1) / (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2) - (2 * K * r1 * (a1 * r1 + a2 * r2)) / 
(r1 * r1 + r2 * r2) ** 2) * C.j
    u = ((2 * K * r2 * (a1 * r1 )) / (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2) ** 2 ) * C.i
    v = ((K * a1) / (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2) - (2 * K * r1 * (a1 * r1)) / (r1 * r1 + 
r2 * r2) ** 2) * C.j
    w = 0 * C.k
    return u + v + w  # =B

for (cable_vect, sensor_vect, magnetic_vect) in zip([CM0, CM1, CM2, CM3], [OM0, 
OM1, OM2, OM3], [B0, B1, B2, B3]):
    location_vect = cable_vect + sensor_vect
    # the cable is rotated by the angels theta_i, _j, _k and translated by the 
vector location_vect, from the origin
    C = Sys_sensors.orient_new('C', [axis_orienter_i, axis_orienter_j, 
axis_orienter_k], location=location_vect)
    radius_vect = express(cable_vect, C)
    # calculate magnetic field, transform back to S coordinate system and add 
up all magnetic fields

    B_cable_sys = B_el(radius_vect)
    B_sensor_sys = express(B_cable_sys, Sys_sensors)
    equations.append(Eq(B_sensor_sys + B_earth - magnetic_vect, 

result = solve(equations, (CM0, theta_i, theta_j, theta_k, i, a, B_earth))

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