wolfram alpha gives the following for `decompose c`:
(3*y**2 - 12*y*z**2 + 84*y*z + y + 12*z**4 - 168*z**3 + 586*z**2 + 14*z + 
2) o (y**2 + y*z + 7*y)
and if you replace `y` in the first expression with the second expression 
it equals `c`. Written with the same semantics, the previous post results 
would be expressed as
(3*x**2 + x + 2) o (y**2 + y*z + 7*y - 2*z**2 + 14*z)
where `lhs.subs(x, rhs) == c`.

On Friday, December 17, 2021 at 8:13:17 PM UTC-6 Chris Smith wrote:

> What is the best way to identify a multivariate change of variables for an 
> expression? Consider the followin:
> ```
> >>> c
> 3*y**4 + 6*y**3*z + 42*y**3 - 9*y**2*z**2 + 126*y**2*z + 148*y**2 - 
> 12*y*z**3 +
> 589*y*z + 7*y + 12*z**4 - 168*z**3 + 586*z**2 + 14*z + 2
> >>> factor(c-2)
> (y + 2*z)*(y - z + 7)*(3*y**2 + 3*y*z + 21*y - 6*z**2 + 42*z + 1)
> >>> factor(_.args[-1]-1)
> 3*(y + 2*z)*(y - z + 7)
> >>> (x*(3*x+1)+2).subs(x,(y + 2*z)*(y - z + 7)).expand() == c
> True
> ```
> This is a bit like `horner` (but `horner` gives something else in this 
> cse):
> ```
> >>> horner(c)
> y*(y*(y*(3*y + 6*z + 42) + z*(126 - 9*z) + 148) + z*(589 - 12*z**2) + 7) +
> z*(z*(z*(12*z - 168) + 586) + 14) + 2
> ```
> It is also a bit like `decompose` (but `decompose` doesn't work on 
> multivariates).
> The ability to identify this multivariate generator allows for a 
> straightforward solution to the quartic in `y`:
> ```
> >>> inv = solve(x - (y + 2*z)*(y - z + 7),y)
> >>> xs = solve(x*(3*x+1)+2,x)
> >>> ys = [i.subs(x, xi) for i in inv for xi in xs]
> >>> ys
> [-z/2 - sqrt(9*z**2 - 42*z + 145/3 - 2*sqrt(23)*I/3)/2 - 7/2, -z/2 - 
> sqrt(9*z**2
>  - 42*z + 145/3 + 2*sqrt(23)*I/3)/2 - 7/2, -z/2 + sqrt(9*z**2 - 42*z + 
> 145/3 - 2
> *sqrt(23)*I/3)/2 - 7/2, -z/2 + sqrt(9*z**2 - 42*z + 145/3 + 
> 2*sqrt(23)*I/3)/2 -
> 7/2]
> ```
> Without identifying the generator the equation can also be solved
> ```
> >>> sol=solve(c,y)
> >>> sol
> [sqrt(3)*(-sqrt(3)*z - sqrt(27*z**2 - 126*z + 145 - 2*sqrt(23)*I) - 
> 7*sqrt(3))/6
> , sqrt(3)*(-sqrt(3)*z + sqrt(27*z**2 - 126*z + 145 - 2*sqrt(23)*I) - 
> 7*sqrt(3))/
> 6, sqrt(3)*(-sqrt(3)*z - sqrt(27*z**2 - 126*z + 145 + 2*sqrt(23)*I) - 
> 7*sqrt(3))
> /6, sqrt(3)*(-sqrt(3)*z + sqrt(27*z**2 - 126*z + 145 + 2*sqrt(23)*I) - 
> 7*sqrt(3)
> )/6]
> ```
> The solutions are the same (but in different form). e.g. for `z = 3`
> ```
> >>> [i.subs(z, 3).n(2) for i in sol]
> [-6.0 + 0.4*I, -4.0 - 0.4*I, -6.0 - 0.4*I, -4.0 + 0.4*I]
> >>> [i.subs(z, 3).n(2) for i in ys]
> [-6.0 + 0.4*I, -6.0 - 0.4*I, -4.0 - 0.4*I, -4.0 + 0.4*I]
> ```
> /c

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