Hello SymPy community,

To get community input on which theme (format) to use for SymPy's 
documentation site, we are running a short survey. Please fill out the 
survey <https://forms.gle/47PD8ixnnsjegfq2A>. The survey should take only 
about 10 minutes to complete.

We identified four promising themes and would appreciate your opinion on 
them. We applied each theme to the SymPy dev documentation 
<https://docs.sympy.org/dev/index.html>, which has a different top-level 
organization than the latest release version 
<https://docs.sympy.org/latest/index.html> documentation. We removed SymPy 
Live from each of the four candidate themes.

The exact styling, for example colors, will be updated once we settle on a 
theme. So please focus on the layout, navigation, and interactive features.

The  previous documentation survey 
<https://www.sympy.org/sympy-docs-survey/> found that the main SymPy 
documentation site is overwhelmingly the most popular resource that people 
use to get help with SymPy, so improving it is a valuable use of the SymPy 
development team's efforts.

Jeremy Monat

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