We have merged the new Furo Sphinx theme to the SymPy documentation.
The theme is now live in the development documentation
https://docs.sympy.org/dev/index.html, and will go live to the "latest
version" documentation on the next SymPy release.

Some notable differences in the new theme include:

- A left sidebar with collapsible navigation for the top level pages.
- A right sidebar that lists the headers on the current page.
- Better mobile support, as well as good support for different browser sizes
- Dark mode support (click the circle icon at the top of the page)
- All colors in the documentation are now WCAG AA compatible, meaning
the color contrast is much easier to read.
- The SymPy Live sphinx extension has been removed. We would be
interested in reintroducing something similar in the future that makes
use of pyiodide, ideally via a community supported extension. If you
are interested in this, please reach out.

Please try it out and let us know if you encounter any issues.

Thank you to everyone who took part in our documentation theme survey
we held earlier this year, and to everyone who helped make this
happen, especially to Jeremy Monat who initiated the process of
finding a new theme and who helped review my style updates to Furo.
And thank you to Pradyun Gedam for making the excellent Furo theme and
for helping us with various issues.

Aaron Meurer

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