I am developing an improved API for differentiation in sympy which is a class for scalar differential operators (a linear combination of sympy expressions and partial derivatives). The code (test_dop.py attached) produces the following output - [image: test_dop-1.jpg] To run this code also requires the gprinter.py and dop.py modules (also attached). Note that the scalar differential operator API could be extended to vector operators or differential forms. It only depends on how you define the coefficients of the partial derivative operators. You could also define partial derivative operators that operate on the left argument instead of on the right argument of *.
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#gprinter.py import sys,shutil,os from sympy import init_printing, latex try: from IPython.display import display, Latex, Math, display_latex except ImportError: pass try: from sympy.interactive import printing except ImportError: pass from sympy import * def isinteractive(): #Is ipython running ''' We will assume that if ipython is running then jupyter notebook is running. ''' try: __IPYTHON__ return True except NameError: return False class gprinter: ''' The gprinter class implements the functions needed to print sympy objects in a function, gprint, that mimics the syntax of the python 3 print function. Additionally, it also impliments latex printing from Jupyter Notebook/Lab and from python scripts. For latex printing from linux and windows the following programs are required: Jupyter Notebook/Lab is sufficient for printing latex in both linux and windows since in both cases it now includes Mathjax. To print latex from a python script in linux a tex distribution is required. It is suggested that the texlive-full distribution which includes pdfcrop be installed with the command: sudo apt-get install texlive-full To print latex from a python script in windows 10 the full texlive installation is also suggested. Use the following link to download the windows texlive installation program: http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-windows.exe In order to use the pdfcrop program in texlive a perl distribution must be installed. Here is a suggested installation link: http://strawberryperl.com/ ''' line_sep = \ """ ************************************************************************ """ latex_preamble = \ """ \\pagestyle{empty} \\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{tensor} \\usepackage{listings} \\usepackage{color} \\usepackage{xcolor} \\usepackage{bm} \\usepackage{breqn} \\definecolor{gray}{rgb}{0.95,0.95,0.95} \\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt} \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Tr}{Tr} \\DeclareMathOperator{\\Adj}{Adj} \\newcommand{\\bfrac}[2]{\\displaystyle\\frac{#1}{#2}} \\newcommand{\\bc}{\\begin{center}} \\newcommand{\\ec}{\\end{center}} \\newcommand{\\lp}{\\left (} \\newcommand{\\rp}{\\right )} \\newcommand{\\paren}[1]{\\lp {#1} \\rp} \\newcommand{\\half}{\\frac{1}{2}} \\newcommand{\\llt}{\\left <} \\newcommand{\\rgt}{\\right >} \\newcommand{\\abs}[1]{\\left |{#1}\\right | } \\newcommand{\\pdiff}[2]{\\bfrac{\\partial {#1}}{\\partial {#2}}} \\newcommand{\\lbrc}{\\left \\{} \\newcommand{\\rbrc}{\\right \\}} \\newcommand{\\W}{\\wedge} \\newcommand{\\prm}[1]{{#1}'} \\newcommand{\\ddt}[1]{\\bfrac{d{#1}}{dt}} \\newcommand{\\R}{\\dagger} \\newcommand{\\deriv}[3]{\\bfrac{d^{#3}#1}{d{#2}^{#3}}} \\newcommand{\\grade}[2]{\\left < {#1} \\right >_{#2}} \\newcommand{\\f}[2]{{#1}\\lp{#2}\\rp} \\newcommand{\\eval}[2]{\\left . {#1} \\right |_{#2}} \\newcommand{\\Nabla}{\\boldsymbol{\\nabla}} \\newcommand{\\eb}{\\boldsymbol{e}} \\newcommand{\\bs}[1]{\\boldsymbol{#1}} \\newcommand{\\grad}{\\bs{\\nabla}} \\usepackage{float} \\floatstyle{plain} \\newfloat{Code}{H}{myc} \\lstloadlanguages{Python} """ ip_cmds = \ [r'$$\DeclareMathOperator{\Tr}{Tr}$$',\ r'$$\DeclareMathOperator{\Adj}{Adj}$$',\ r'$$\DeclareMathOperator{\sinc}{sinc}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\bfrac}[2]{\displaystyle\frac{#1}{#2}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\lp}{\left (}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\rp}{\right )}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\paren}[1]{\lp {#1} \rp}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\half}{\frac{1}{2}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\llt}{\left <}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\rgt}{\right >}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left |{#1}\right | }$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\pdiff}[2]{\bfrac{\partial {#1}}{\partial {#2}}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\npdiff}[3]{\bfrac{\partial^{#3} {#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#3}}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\lbrc}{\left \{}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\rbrc}{\right \}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\W}{\wedge}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\prm}[1]{{#1}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\ddt}[1]{\bfrac{d{#1}}{dt}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\R}{\dagger}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\deriv}[3]{\bfrac{d^{#3}#1}{d{#2}^{#3}}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\grade}[2]{\left < {#1} \right >_{#2}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\f}[2]{{#1}\lp {#2} \rp}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\eval}[2]{\left . {#1} \right |_{#2}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\bs}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}}$$',\ r'$$\newcommand{\grad}{\bs{\nabla}}$$'] #*********************************************************************** SYS_CMD = {'linux2': {'rm': 'rm', 'evince': 'evince', 'null': ' > /dev/null', '&': '&'}, 'linux': {'rm': 'rm', 'evince': 'evince', 'null': ' > /dev/null', '&': '&'}, 'win32': {'rm': 'del', 'evince': 'start', 'null': ' > NUL', '&': ''}, 'darwin': {'rm': 'rm', 'evince': 'open', 'null': ' > /dev/null', '&': '&'}} latex_flg = False latex_str = '' Format_cnt = 0 pdiff_format = True @classmethod def format(cls,pdiff_format=True): cls.pdiff_format = pdiff_format if cls.Format_cnt == 0: cls.Format_cnt += 1 cls.latex_flg = True # Latex printing for scripts or Notebooks if isinteractive(): # Latex printing for Notebooks init_printing(use_latex='mathjax') from IPython.display import Math, display cmds = '\n'.join(cls.ip_cmds) display(Math(cmds)) return @classmethod def gprint(cls,*xargs): x = [] fstr = '' new_eq_flg = False i = 0 for xi in xargs: if isinstance(xi,str): if r'\\' in xi and i > 0: if isinteractive(): # Required for Jupyter Notebook/Lab xi_rep = xi.replace(r'\\',r'\end{equation*}@\begin{equation*} ') else: # Required for latex output from python scripts xi_rep = xi.replace(r'\\',r'\end{equation*}'+'\n'+r'\begin{equation*} ') new_eq_flg = True fstr += xi_rep else: # Pure text printing fstr += xi elif isinstance(xi,type): # Special case for printing python type of an object if cls.latex_flg: fstr += r' \text{'+str(xi)+'} ' else: fstr += str(xi) else: if cls.latex_flg: # Convert object to latex string and append to printing string x.append(latex(xi)) if new_eq_flg: new_eq_flg = False fstr += r' %s ' else: # Append text object to printing string x.append(str(xi)) fstr += r' %s ' i += 1 if cls.latex_flg: if isinteractive(): # Print all xargs to Jupyter Notebook/Lab lstr = fstr % tuple(x) if '@' in lstr: lines = lstr.split('@') lines[0] = r'\begin{equation*} '+lines[0] lines[-1] += r'\end{equation*}' for line in lines: display(Math(line)) else: display(Math(lstr)) else: # Add latex representatin of all xargs to total latex string latex_str = (fstr % tuple(x)) if latex_str[0] == '#': cls.latex_str += latex_str[1:] else: cls.latex_str += r'\begin{equation*} ' + latex_str + r'\end{equation*} '+'\n' else: # Print all xargs in text mode print(fstr % tuple(x)) return @classmethod def pdf(cls,filename=None, paper=(14, 11), crop=None, prog=False, debug=False, pt='10pt', pdfprog='pdflatex'): ''' Post processes LaTeX output (see comments below), adds preamble and postamble, generates tex file, inputs file to latex, displays resulting pdf file. Arg Value Result pdfprog 'pdflatex' Use pdfprog to generate pdf output, only generates tex file if pdfprog is None crop margin in bp Use "pdfcrop" to crop output file (pdfcrop must be installed, linux only) bp is the TeX big point approximately 1/72 inch. png True Use "convert" to produce png output (imagemagick must be installed, linux only) We assume that if gprinter.pdf() is called then gprinter.Format() has been called at the beginning of the program. ''' if not cls.latex_flg: print('gprinter.Format() has not been called. No LaTeX string to process') return latex_str = cls.paper_format(paper,pt)+cls.latex_preamble+r'\begin{document}'+'\n'+cls.latex_str+r'\end{document}' pyfilepath = sys.path[0] if filename is None: pyfilename = sys.argv[0] rootfilename = pyfilename.replace('.py', '') tex_filename = rootfilename + '.tex' pdf_filename = rootfilename + '.pdf' else: tex_filename = filename pdf_filename = tex_filname.replace('.tex','.pdf') if debug: print('latex file =', filename) latex_file = open(tex_filename, 'w') latex_file.write(latex_str) latex_file.close() sys_cmd = cls.SYS_CMD[sys.platform] if pdfprog is not None: pdflatex = shutil.which(pdfprog) if debug: # Display latex excution output for debugging purposes print('pdflatex path =', pdflatex) else: # Works for Linux don't know about Windows os.system(pdfprog+' '+tex_filename+sys_cmd['null']) if debug: pass os.remove(os.path.join(pyfilepath,rootfilename+'.aux')) os.remove(os.path.join(pyfilepath,rootfilename+'.log')) else: os.remove(os.path.join(pyfilepath,rootfilename+'.aux')) os.remove(os.path.join(pyfilepath,rootfilename+'.log')) os.remove(os.path.join(pyfilepath,rootfilename+'.tex')) if crop is not None: crop_cmd = 'pdfcrop --margins "'+str(crop)+'" '+pdf_filename os.system(crop_cmd) os.remove(os.path.join(pyfilepath,pdf_filename)) os.rename(os.path.join(rootfilename+'-crop.pdf'),os.path.join(pdf_filename)) os.system(sys_cmd['evince']+' '+pdf_filename) return @classmethod def paper_format(cls,paper,pt): #Set size of paper and font size if paper == 'letter': paper_size = \ """ \\documentclass[@10pt@,fleqn]{book} """ else: paper_size = \ """ \\documentclass[@10pt@,fleqn]{book} \\usepackage[vcentering]{geometry} """ if paper == 'landscape': paper = [11, 8.5] paper_size += '\\geometry{papersize={' + str(paper[0]) + \ 'in,' + str(paper[1]) + 'in},total={' + str(paper[0] - 1) + \ 'in,' + str(paper[1] - 1) + 'in}}\n' paper_size = paper_size.replace('@10pt@', pt) return(paper_size) def gprint(*args): #Shortcut so you don't have to code gprinter.gprint gprinter.gprint(*args) return
""" Differential operators, for all sympy expressions """ import copy import numbers import warnings from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Iterable from sympy import Symbol, S, Add, simplify, diff, Expr, Dummy, expand,\ latex, Basic from gprinter import gprinter def apply_function_list(f, x): if isinstance(f, (tuple, list)): fx = x for fi in f: fx = fi(fx) return fx else: return f(x) class _BaseDop(Basic): """ Base class for differential operators - used to avoid accidental promotion """ pass #################### Partial Derivative Operator Class ################# def _basic_diff(f, x, n=1): """ Simple wrapper for `diff` that works for our types too """ if isinstance(f, (Expr, Symbol, numbers.Number)): # f is sympy expression return diff(f, x, n) elif hasattr(f, '_eval_derivative_n_times'): # one of our types return f._eval_derivative_n_times(x, n) else: raise ValueError('In_basic_diff type(arg) = ' + str(type(f)) + ' not allowed.') class Pdop(_BaseDop): r""" Partial derivative operatorp. The partial derivatives are of the form .. math:: \partial_{i_{1}...i_{n}} = \frac{\partial^{i_{1}+...+i_{n}}}{\partial{x_{1}^{i_{1}}}...\partial{x_{n}^{i_{n}}}}. If :math:`i_{j} = 0` then the partial derivative does not contain the :math:`x^{i_{j}}` coordinate. Attributes ---------- pdiffs : dict A dictionary where coordinates are keys and key value are the number of times one differentiates with respect to the key. order : int Total number of differentiations. When this is zero (i.e. when :attr:`pdiffs` is ``{}``) then this object is the identity operator, and returns its operand unchanged. """ pdiff_format = gprinter.pdiff_format x = Symbol('x',real=True) def sort_key(self, order=None): return ( # lower order derivatives first self.order, # sorted by symbol after that, after expansion sorted([ x.sort_key(order) for x, k in self.pdiffs.items() for i in range(k) ]) ) def __eq__(self, A): if isinstance(A, Pdop) and self.pdiffs == A.pdiffs: return True else: if len(self.pdiffs) == 0 and A == S.One: return True return False def __init__(self, __arg): """ The partial differential operator is a partial derivative with respect to a set of real symbols (variables). """ if __arg is None: warnings.warn( "`Pdop(None)` is deprecated, use `Pdop({})` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) __arg = {} if isinstance(__arg, dict): # Pdop defined by dictionary if len(__arg) == 0: self.pdiffs = {Pdop.x:0} else: self.pdiffs = __arg elif isinstance(__arg, Symbol): # First order derivative with respect to symbol self.pdiffs = {__arg: 1} else: raise TypeError('A dictionary or symbol is required, got {!r}'.format(__arg)) self.order = sum(self.pdiffs.values()) def _eval_derivative_n_times(self, x, n) -> 'Pdop': # pdiff(self) # d is partial derivative pdiffs = copy.copy(self.pdiffs) if x in pdiffs: pdiffs[x] += n else: pdiffs[x] = n return Pdop(pdiffs) def __call__(self, arg): """ Calculate nth order partial derivative (order defined by self) of expression """ for x, n in self.pdiffs.items(): arg = _basic_diff(arg, x, n) return arg def __pow__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): p = self for i in range(1,other): p = p*self return p raise TypeError('For power of Pdop an integer is required, got {!r}'.format(other)) def __mul__(self, other): # functional product of self and arg (self*arg) return self(other) def __rmul__(self, other): # functional product of arg and self (arg*self) assert not isinstance(other, Pdop) return Sdop([(other, self)]) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other,Pdop): pd1 = Sdop([1],[self]) pd2 = Sdop([1],[other]) return pd1+pd2 elif isinstance(other,Sdop): pd1 = Sdop([1],[self]) return pd1+other else: return Sdop([other],[Pdop({})])+Sdop([1],[self]) def __radd__(self, other): return self+other def _sympystr(self,printer): if self.order == 0: return 'D{}' s = '' for x in self.pdiffs: n = self.pdiffs[x] s += 'D' if n > 1: s += '^' + printer._print(n) s += '{' + printer._print(x) + '}' return s def _latex(self,printer): if self.order == 0: return '' if gprinter.pdiff_format: s = r'\frac{\partial' if self.order > 1: s += '^{' + printer._print(self.order) + '}' s += '}{' keys = list(self.pdiffs.keys()) keys.sort(key=lambda x: x.sort_key()) for key in keys: i = self.pdiffs[key] s += r'\partial ' + printer._print(key) if i > 1: s += '^{' + printer._print(i) + '}' s += '}' else: s = '' keys = list(self.pdiffs.keys()) keys.sort(key=lambda x: x.sort_key()) for key in keys: i = self.pdiffs[key] s+= r'\partial' if ( i > 1 ): s += r'^{' + printer._print(i) + r'}' s += r'_{' + printer._print(key) + '}' return s ######################################################################## def _merge_terms(terms1, terms2): """ Concatenate and consolidate two sets of already-consolidated terms """ pdiffs1 = [pdiff for _, pdiff in terms1] pdiffs2 = [pdiff for _, pdiff in terms2] pdiffs = pdiffs1 + [x for x in pdiffs2 if x not in pdiffs1] coefs = len(pdiffs) * [S.Zero] for coef, pdiff in terms1: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coefs[index] += coef for coef, pdiff in terms2: index = pdiffs.index(pdiff) coefs[index] += coef # remove zeros return [(coef, pdiff) for coef, pdiff in zip(coefs, pdiffs) if coef != S.Zero] def _eval_derivative_n_times_terms(terms, x, n): for i in range(n): new_terms = [] for k, term in enumerate(terms): dc = _basic_diff(term[0], x) pd = _basic_diff(term[1], x) # print 'D0, term, dc, pd =', D0, term, dc, pd if dc != 0: new_terms.append((dc, term[1])) if pd != 0: new_terms.append((term[0], pd)) terms = new_terms return _consolidate_terms(terms) def _consolidate_terms(terms): """ Remove zero coefs and consolidate coefs with repeated pdiffs. """ new_coefs = [] new_pdiffs = [] for coef, pd in terms: if coef != S.Zero: if pd in new_pdiffs: index = new_pdiffs.index(pd) new_coefs[index] += coef else: new_coefs.append(coef) new_pdiffs.append(pd) return tuple(zip(new_coefs, new_pdiffs)) ################ Scalar Partial Differential Operator Class ############ class Sdop(_BaseDop): """ Scalar differential operator is of the form (Einstein summation) .. math:: D = c_{i}*D_{i} where the :math:`c_{i}`'s are scalar coefficient (they could be functions) and the :math:`D_{i}`'s are partial differential operators (:class:`Pdop`). Attributes ---------- terms : tuple of tuple the structure :math:`((c_{1},D_{1}),(c_{2},D_{2}), ...)` """ def TSimplify(self): return Sdop([ (simplify(coef), pdiff) for coef, pdiff in self.terms ]) @staticmethod def consolidate_coefs(sdop): """ Remove zero coefs and consolidate coefs with repeated pdiffs. """ if isinstance(sdop, Sdop): return Sdop(_consolidate_terms(sdop.terms)) else: return _consolidate_terms(sdop) def simplify(self, modes=simplify): return Sdop([ (metric.apply_function_list(modes, coef), pdiff) for coef, pdiff in self.terms ]) def _with_sorted_terms(self): new_terms = sorted(self.terms, key=lambda term: Pdop.sort_key(term[1])) return Sdop(new_terms) def _sympystr(self, print_obj): if len(self.terms) == 0: return ZERO_STR self = self._with_sorted_terms() s = '' for coef, pdop in self.terms: coef_str = print_obj._print(coef) pd_str = print_obj._print(pdop) if coef == S.One: s += pd_str elif coef == S.NegativeOne: s += '-' + pd_str else: if isinstance(coef, Add): s += '(' + coef_str + ')*' + pd_str else: s += coef_str + '*' + pd_str s += ' + ' s = s.replace('+ -', '- ') s = s[:-3] return s def _latex(self, printer): if len(self.terms) == 0: return ZERO_STR self = self._with_sorted_terms() s = '' for coef, pdop in self.terms: coef_str = printer._print(coef) pd_str = printer._print(pdop) if coef == S.One: if pd_str == '': s += '1' else: s += pd_str elif coef == S.NegativeOne: if pd_str == '': s += '-1' else: s += '-' + pd_str else: if isinstance(coef, Add): s += r'\left ( ' + coef_str + r'\right ) ' + pd_str else: s += coef_str + ' ' + pd_str s += ' + ' s = s.replace('+ -', '- ') return s[:-3] def __init_from_symbol(self, symbol: Symbol) -> None: self.terms = ((S.One, Pdop(symbol)),) def __init_from_coef_and_pdiffs(self, coefs: List[Any], pdiffs: List['Pdop']) -> None: if not isinstance(coefs, list) or not isinstance(pdiffs, list): raise TypeError("coefs and pdiffs must be lists") if len(coefs) != len(pdiffs): raise ValueError('In Sdop.__init__ coefficent list and Pdop list must be same length.') self.terms = tuple(zip(coefs, pdiffs)) def __init_from_terms(self, terms: Iterable[Tuple[Any, 'Pdop']]) -> None: self.terms = tuple(terms) def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], Symbol): self.__init_from_symbol(*args) elif isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): self.__init_from_terms(*args) else: raise TypeError( "A symbol or sequence is required (got type {})" .format(type(args[0]).__name__)) elif len(args) == 2: self.__init_from_coef_and_pdiffs(*args) else: raise TypeError( "Sdop() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but {} were " "given".format(len(args))) def __call__(self, arg): # Ensure that we return the right type even when there are no terms - we # do this by adding `0 * d(arg)/d(nonexistant)`, which must be zero, but # will be a zero of the right type. dummy_var = Dummy('nonexistant') terms = self.terms or ((S.Zero, Pdop(dummy_var)),) return sum([coef * pdiff(arg) for coef, pdiff in terms]) def __neg__(self): return Sdop([(-coef, pdiff) for coef, pdiff in self.terms]) @staticmethod def Add(sdop1, sdop2): if isinstance(sdop1, Sdop) and isinstance(sdop2, Sdop): return Sdop(_merge_terms(sdop1.terms, sdop2.terms)) else: # convert values to multiplicative operators if not isinstance(sdop2, _BaseDop): sdop2 = Sdop([(sdop2, Pdop({}))]) elif not isinstance(sdop1, _BaseDop): sdop1 = Sdop([(sdop1, Pdop({}))]) else: return NotImplemented return Sdop.Add(sdop1, sdop2) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Sdop): diff = self - other return len(diff.terms) == 0 else: return NotImplemented def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Pdop): other = Sdop([1],[other]) elif isinstance(other, Expr): other = Sdop([other],[Pdop({})]) else: pass return Sdop.Add(self, other) def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other,int): p = self for i in range(1,other): p = p*self return p raise TypeError('For power of Sdop an integer is required, got {!r}'.format(other)) def __radd__(self, sdop): if isinstance(sdop,Pdop): sdop = Sdop([1],[sdop]) return Sdop.Add(sdop, self) def __sub__(self, sdop): return Sdop.Add(self, -sdop) def __rsub__(self, sdop): return Sdop.Add(-self, sdop) def __mul__(self, sdopr): # alias for applying the operator return self.__call__(sdopr) def __rmul__(self, sdop): return Sdop([(sdop * coef, pdiff) for coef, pdiff in self.terms]) def _eval_derivative_n_times(self, x, n): return Sdop(_eval_derivative_n_times_terms(self.terms, x, n))
from sympy import symbols from gprinter import * from dop import * gprinter.format() (x,y,z) = symbols('x y z',real=True) r2 = x**2+y**2+z**2 Dx = Pdop(x) Dy = Pdop(y) Dz = Pdop(z) nabla2 = Dx**2+Dy**2+Dz**2 gprint('r^2 = ',r2) gprint(r'\nabla^2 = ',nabla2) gprint(r'\nabla^2 r^2 = ',nabla2*r2) gprint(r'r^2 \nabla^2 = ',r2*nabla2) gprint(r'r^2 \nabla^2 r^2 = ',r2*nabla2*r2) gprint(r'r^2+ \nabla^2 = ',r2+nabla2) rdotgrad = x*Dx+y*Dy+z*Dz gprint(r'\bs{r}\cdot\bs{\nabla} = ',rdotgrad) gprint(r'\bs{r}\cdot\bs{\nabla} r^2= ',rdotgrad*r2) gprinter.pdf(crop=5)