Hi Victor,

Welcome to SymPy! Great to hear that you're interested in contributing.

If you've read all of the contributing information in the SymPy docs 
<https://docs.sympy.org/latest/contributing/index.html>, then the next 
thing is to pick an issue to work on. You can browse the open issues on 
GitHub <https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues>. There are even a bunch tagged 
as "easy to fix" <https://github.com/sympy/sympy/labels/Easy%20to%20Fix>, 
which are good for first time contributors. I would also suggest thinking 
about which parts of SymPy you're familiar with and mainly use, as it makes 
most sense to work on an area of SymPy where you have domain knowledge. For 
example, if you're studying AI and ML perhaps that's SymPy's 
differentiation because you've used it to implement symbolic 
backpropagation, or some part of the physics module because you've used 
that as part of an applied ML project.

When contributing make sure you follow the development workflow 
<https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/Development-workflow> and style guides. 
<https://docs.sympy.org/latest/contributing/docstring.html> When you open a 
PR other contributors will help by providing feedback and answering 


On Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 8:21:12 AM UTC victor2...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi, 
> My name is Victor .
> I am  new  to sympy , I have been using python from the last 8 months. 
> Currently pursuing a BE degree in Artificial Intelligence and Machine 
> Learning. 
> I went through some tutorials , used sympy to write some of my college 
> math.
> I went through the contribution documentation.
>     *   made a fork of sympy
>     *   set up the conda virtual environment and cloned it to my local 
> machine.
> Now I want to contribute to sympy , in order to improve my python skills.
> Can anyone please suggest some beginner friendly issues to contribute to.

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