I'd simply run tests to find out, and if it doesn't work like you want, roll
your own stream where either you just read byte write byte - or read in
until buffer full or EOF, then write block, reusing the buffer mem for that
file coming in.

(cc'd ya to make sure you go this response)

--Jason P Sage

-----Original Message-----
From: Dmitry Konnov [mailto:konno...@mail.ru] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:28 PM
To: synalist-public@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Synalist] RecvStream


If I use RecvStream and TFileStream,
Can I be sure that Server side consumes memory with economy?

For example:
If i have 100 clients each sending 1GB file simultaneously.
What will be memory requirements for server side in this case?

Will i need 100GB server side memory?

Faithfully yours,
Dmitry Konnov                        mailto:konno...@mail.ru

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