En/na Robin Cumming ha escrit:
> I have set up Lazarus Freepascal on Ubuntu 9.10 and
> compiled the EchoSrv demo in Synapse39. The program is
> aborting and exiting when the Echo Daemon is created as
> follows :
> Constructor TTCPEchoDaemon.Create;
> begin
>   inherited create(false);      ------->>> fails here
>   sock:=TTCPBlockSocket.create;
>   FreeOnTerminate:=true;
> end;

That's because under linux you have to explicitly use a thread manager. 
Just add cthreads to the use clause of the dpr file.
Then, if you're not running it as root, it will fail since a normal user 
cannot bind to ports < 1024, so you'll either have to change the port 
(see in echo.pas the call to bind) or run the program as root (inadvisable).


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