> I have a quiestion about using TSMTPSend component (I use  2009-10-09 -
> release no. 39)
> Is it possible to use CC and BCC fields with it, as I didn't see such
> properties? If so, can you provide a short example of this?

SMTP protocol not know this feature. It is feature of message composing. 
SMTP is transport protocol and it must know just set of recipients. No 
care if this recipient is from TO field, this one from CC, or this one is 
from BCC. All are recipients of message.

BCC is special case, when address is used in SMTP as one of recipients, 
but BCC address is not visible in mail message body at all. 
See: http://synapse.ararat.cz/doku.php/public:howto:sendingbcc

Lukas Gebauer.

E-mail: gebau...@mlp.cz
WEB: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse - Synapse Delphi and Kylix TCP/IP 

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