hi again,

i think i have found the problem with snmpv3 on sparc solaris
its in the Pass2Key function of snmpsend

the function MD5LongHash below have on linux and windows the same result
54 E4 2E 39 06 06 15 0A 0D CB 67 FA 5B 67 75 CA
but cross compiled for sparc solaris this
90 08 0A 2F FA 64 67 25 BC 43 7D AD 58 0A 26 A9

thanks for any advise

   s := MD5LongHash( 'testtest', 1048576 );
   for cnt := 1 to Length( s ) do
     Write( IntToHex( Ord( s[cnt] ), 2 ) );
     Write( ' ' );

>> here is my little prog
>> var
>>     snmp : TSNMPSend;
>> begin
>>     snmp := TSNMPSend.Create;
>>     snmp.Query.Clear;
>>     snmp.Query.Version := 3;
>>     snmp.Query.Flags := AuthPriv;
>>     snmp.Query.FlagReportable := True;
>>     snmp.Query.UserName := 'snmpv3';
>>     snmp.Query.AuthMode := AuthMD5;
>>     snmp.Query.Password := 'testtest';
>>     snmp.Query.PrivMode := PrivDES;
>>     snmp.Query.PrivPassword := 'testtest';
>>     snmp.TargetHost := '';
>>     snmp.Query.PDUType := PDUGetRequest;
>>     snmp.Query.MIBAdd( '', '', asn1util.ASN1_NULL );
>>     if snmp.SendRequest = True then
>>       WriteLn( 'Ok : ' + snmp.Reply.MIBByIndex( 0 ).OID + ' - ' +
>> snmp.Reply.MIBByIndex( 0 ).Value )
>>     else
>>       WriteLn( 'Fail' );
>> end.
> Works fine here on Solaris x86 when contacting an Ubuntu 64 server. I'm
> using fpc 2.5.1 svn.
> Ludo

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