Hi Lukas,

I've a question: in revision #114 you've changed
the implementation of RecvBuffer: it propagates
SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN result as an error now:

   if err = SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN then
     Result := 0;
   if (err <> 0) then
     FLastError := err;

But if this error is propagated into http layer, I'm not able
to receive a response e.g. from O2.CZ server: it failes
in THTTPSend.ReadUnknown: Boolean method (it returns FALSE
and LastError is WSASYSNOTREADY).


I had to return to previous implementation in revision #95
to make it running again:

   if err = SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN then
     Result := 0
   else if (err <> 0) then
     FLastError := err;

What was the reason to change it?

Thx for clarification, pf

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