A bit of progress has been made in the past year, as this new web page 

On 05/24/2013 10:39 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:
> Lukas Gebauer wrote:
>>> I could use some help with 2 things:
>>> - Can any of my SynaSer.pas changes go into trunk?
>> Send me your modified version and I can revise your changes and I can
>> commit accepted changes.
>>> - Why does Linux socket need TTCPBlockSocket (unlike Windows)?
>> I do not understand... what you mean? :-o
> I added a note near the bottom of the page for i386-linux:
>     http://www.ctrlterm.com/
> Without that change the program fails to connect a socket on Linux (but
> Windows works).  The source is the same.
> You can download any of the zips and compare my SynaSer.pas with the
> original one (it is in a separate folder).
> Please let me know if anything is still not clear.
> I also need to add a link to Synapse near the top of the page!

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