On Aug 11, 2013, at 2:36 AM, Andreas Gal wrote:

> Ok, I guess we are conflating different kinds of flag days here. A major flag 
> day is when you need user involvement to move forward, such as creating new 
> Firefox accounts.
> What you are describing is an upgrade event, which can be solved through 
> parallel operations of two services (or two versions of the service). How 
> well and how invisible we will handle such events depends on how much we want 
> to invest in the technical solution, but once we went through one flag day 
> and have the data stored in cleartext we can do arbitrary storage format and 
> wire protocol format changes.
> Worst case we have to operate two services against the same data store 
> (reving the wire format), or the same service against two data stores that we 
> cross replicate (reving the storage format). I have yet to hear any argument 
> why we would have two user visible flag days.

More to the point, I assert that it is an explicit design requirement that 
there not be more than one user-visible flag day. If the only way to accomplish 
that were a zero-migration "burn it down, old clients just break, new client or 
bust" I would still prefer it to multiple flag days. 


Johnathan Nightingale
VP Firefox Engineering

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