>> * resetting your account (new password, new encryption key) should *not*
>>  result in clients seeing HMAC errors, when they try to decrypt new
>>  records with the old key or vice-versa
> Are we falling into the "let's fix sync while we're at it" trap here?
> HMAC errors are a fact of life in the current sync system, and are just
> one of its many wonderful failure modes.  What makes this failure mode
> special enough to deserve a fix in the FF29 timeframe?
> That's not a rhetorical question; I can imagine at least two possible
> answers:
>  * they would occur much more frequently with the new auth
>  * the fix is free with a neat hack in the Janky Old TokenServer

At the risk of weighing in here when I've been on PTO and haven't thoroughly 
read the whole thread:

HMAC errors *should not* routinely occur in current Sync. We went through a 
patch where they did -- because the client processed a node reassignment 
request by just pointing its firehose at the new server, writing records but no 
meta/global or keys.

They will occur in a few specific scenarios:

* When you change your Sync key. Your other clients will fail to decrypt 
crypto/keys, and prompt you for your new Recovery Key.
* When two racing clients have somehow ended up with different bulk keys. There 
are some mechanisms in place for rectifying this.

What we're aiming for here is that making some kind of routine change to your 
account (e.g., password reset) does not open you up to a window in which 
another client can write data using a different chain of keys, *and have it 
stick around*.

The risk is that any client with a token can write -- potentially during the 
post-reset wipe. What it writes will be encrypted with the wrong kB.

The 100% safe way of doing that is for a password reset to involve a node 
reassignment. The resetting client gets the new assignment immediately, and can 
write its new stuff before anyone else gets to. The other clients get the new 
assignment *when their token expires*.

There might be other approaches, too, but in broad strokes: yeah, we need to 
worry about HMAC errors, because they're a symptom of a class of errors that 
can arise when a change now occurs in *two* places without a distributed 
transaction. The fixes will tie those two changes together.
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