> What exactly are generation numbers and how are they created?

I suspect that you can ignore the details here, because you control neither
the IdP nor the consumer; just know that this can fail, and doing so
implies either bad input or a bug somewhere — see e.g., Bug 985504, Bug
1042109. Prompt the user for their credentials again, and start over.

The purpose of this whole flow is to make sure that clients with different
passwords (because you changed it on one device), and thus different keys,
don't sync to the same server and screw things up by seeing/writing partial
state. The purpose of the generation check is to avoid accidental time

> Which credentials are mentioned here? The "id" and "key" fields in the
> tokenserver response?
> If so, are they base64 decoded and directly fed into HAWK header
> generation process, or is there something more than just this?

You should read this. It's easier to understand the Java source than to
explain in English :)

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