Dear FxA devs (I sent it to the wrong mailing list yesterday),

First of all, thank you very much for your infinite patience!

I have been trying to set the fxa servers with https for some days but
don't seem to be able to manage.  I have the feeling I'm nearly there

I am using (or plan on using) self-signed certificates and have
installed the whole thing on debian, which has a patch that forces
nodejs to use the system ca-autorities
(/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt). I have added the CA with which I
have signed the certificates to the system using update-ca-certificates.

I can create an account but verifying it doesn't seem to work. I had
this error:

I added "INSECURE_SSL": true, "REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED": false, to the
browserid-verifier env config (I have checked out the master and not
vladikoff's http branch) and it seems to work. Why I need this I don't
really understand. I would rather not do this if possible.

After adding it I am getting another error (I think the profile server
can't contact the oauth server). It looks like this:

I have tried adding the INSECURE_SSL or REJECT options to other servers
in the servers.json file, but it doesn't seem to solve it. I would also
prefer avoid using these if possible here too.

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you very much!!


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