In bug 1353645 (landed in 55 at the end of May) we added telemetry for how often users see verification via push or via polling - and the initial results look good!

1,147 were verified by polling, while 17,273 were by push. The way this is implemented there's a bit of a race condition that means polling is likely to be over-counted (ie, that the push may arrive immediately after the polling notices verification) - so this means *at least* 94% of people are seeing the "account verified" push notification.

It's not clear how far we can extrapolate that to "how reliable is push in general", but it certainly looks good!

I think this also means we can move forward on bug 1122443, which is asking us to poll less frequently to help the FxA servers out.

FWIW, the only way I know of analyzing these new scalars is via presto - I used the statement:

> select count(*), scalar_parent_services_sync_fxa_verification_method from main_summary_v4 group by scalar_parent_services_sync_fxa_verification_method

which took 23 minutes to run. After asking on #telemetry, I was told I should have imposed limits on submission_date_s3 to restrict the set of pings considered, which should have made things much faster - that naive query above looked at over 176 *billion* pings :)


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