On 6 November 2017 at 02:00, Farhan Khan <kha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just went through the instructions here: https://mozilla-services.readt
> hedocs.io/en/latest/howtos/run-fxa.html#howto-run-fxa and setup a private
> syncserver. It is running in a different console. I then set
> "identity.sync.tokenserver.uri" to "
> /1.0/sync/1.5".

Are you attempting to run Sync, Firefox Accounts, or both?  The doc you
link to is for Firefox Accounts, but the about:config entry you mention is
only for running a sync server.

Either way, a good place to start will be going to about:sync-log in your
browser to see if there are any error logs with more debugging info.


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