We had a Mobile Tech Leads Meeting earlier today.

The very brief and opinionated summary of our discussion (from this doc

   1. How do we help Lockbox?
      - Lockbox would appreciate help from a subject matter expert on
the Android
      keystore <https://developer.android.com/training/articles/keystore>.
      - It's on Matt Miller's list; if you can help, please contact him
      directly <mmil...@mozilla.com>.
      2. What's the next step for unifying networking stack between native
   applications and Rust components?
   - Short term: use native Rust network stack to make progress.
      - Intend to evaluate delegating Rust-level access to embedding
      application: probably fine for FxA, probably not fine for Sync 1.5.
      - Joe Walker will arrange a discussion with Patrick McManus (and
      potentially others on the networking team) to discuss more about exposing
      Necko to non-Gecko consumers.  Likely to happen two weeks from now, since
      next week is IETF-in-Montreal.

There's more in the notes but that's the gist.

Your interlocutor,
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