My initial reaction to '[a]lways develop against components -SNAPSHOT so
that you stay up to date' is we likely won't upgrade components versions
unless there is product value and some assurances of stability when doing
so (i.e., a Product Manager says I want the changes, bug fixes or features
in that component update, and the component has been tested to not
introduce regressions from previous versions). I would also say that just
getting bug fixes is usually not enough product value to update (a point
release of our pinned version is probably preferred).

I would love to hear what other APT engineers think on all this though.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 11:31 AM Stefan Arentz <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 1:39 PM Susheel Daswani <>
> wrote:
>> Yes Stefan, I don't think the snapshots and rc releases are super useful
>> *yet*. We do use them with GV but that's really just because GV
>> development is so active and the engine is so core that updating it more
>> frequently overrides the risk. But being on the bleeding edge does have
>> it's issues (e.g., yesterday we had to downgrade GV because it was too
>> bleeding edge).
> I think what we will recommend to all teams is actually this:
> - Always develop against components -SNAPSHOT so that you stay up to date.
> Snapshot is the place where you will get the changes, bug fixes and
> features that you have requested. And you will get them real-time as those
> changes land. Using snapshots is the best way to work together with us
> because not only will you get the things you need soon, you will also find
> issues sooner which means we get to a stable release sooner, which means
> less chance of point releases.
> - When your project reaches code freeze or feature complete, that is the
> moment you stop using snapshots and pin to a stable version. In an ideal
> world the timing is such that our calendars are in sync enough that you can
> just pin the upcoming release. But if they are not, you can tell us the
> point in time when you would like to pin components and we can make a
> release happen on that date. (Note that this does not scale well beyond one
> or two products, it is simpler to take our release dates into account and
> align  schedules.)
> The point releases are to handle unexpected (aren't they always) critical
> bugs, they do not exist to accommodate a development schedule. However,
> they can happen after you pinned to a specific version or even after you
> shipped. But I think that with a good schedule and good testing, these
> releases can mostly be avoided.
>  S.

Susheel Daswani
Senior Mobile Engineering Manager
phone / text: (415) 218-7259
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