Hello folks,

The mobile tech leads met on Wednesday, Jan 23 (NA/AU timezones).  It was a
long discussion  with only partial notes
There were two major topics.

First, we intend to *re-charter the meeting to focus specifically on
Android product-level consumers of the underlying technical stacks*.  I
will continue to chair and circulate notes but the emphasis will shift "up
the stack" to the next wave of Android product teams consuming Android
Components and Application Services.  Expect (re-)invititations next week.

Second, we took a fairly deep technical deep dive into the Android parts of
our diagnostic logging strategy
Now that Thom landed the bulk of the low-level support for logging from our
Rust stack out into Android Components-land, all of the trade-offs (wins
and losses!) around megazording are thrown into sharper relief.
Application Services is trying to capture this knowledge to disseminate it
further (to the Push group and to the Glean/Telemetry group, for example)
but there's a lot there.  Sorry that the notes are sketchy here -- if you
want to know more, talk to Thom and/or me.

Yours in service,
Sync-dev mailing list

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