Hello citizens,

The Android Tech Leads met on March 20, and the Special Counsel has
provided me a detailed Report of that meeting.  As you know, I am vested
with the power to decide what parts of that report may be disseminated to
the (Mozilla) public, and I have so decided:

   1. The Application Services team is making progress on using Necko
   and/or the Android system networking stack from the Rust FxA + Sync 1.5
   Thom Chiovoloni is driving this critical functionality in this rolling PR
   <https://github.com/mozilla/application-services/pull/835>. The team is
   also planning to use NSS for crypto
   2. Unit testing across the Fenix/Android Components/Application Services
   boundary continues to be challenging.  The work remaining to run Rust
   native code in Robolectric unit tests is almost in place and Grisha Kruglov
   will pick it up shortly; see this issue
   3. The plan for migrating Firefox for Android user data to the new Fenix
   vehicle is firming up here

But this isn't a small matter like the Special Counsel's Report, so
you can read
the notes yourself

Yours in service,
Sync-dev mailing list

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