Hi Pierre,

I have also my own FFSync server on a LXC container (Debian Jessie, not Strecth).
I have done Something less "clean" that works well.
I start my FFSync server with "crontab" :

 ---> crontab -l
# m h  dom mon dow   command
@reboot /opt/firefoxSyncSRV/syncserver/local/bin/gunicorn --paste /opt/firefoxSyncSRV/syncserver/syncserver.ini &

I didn't try start it by "systemd".
You probably have to put a "ffsync.service" file in "/etc/systemd/system/" with the good value for the "ExecStart=" attribute.

Best regards.
Vincent FARGET.

Le 19/04/2019 à 08:57, Pierre L. a écrit :

I'm currently running a FF sync server on a Raspberry Pi, Raspbian 9
It's running fine, with "make serve" command in a tmux terminal.

A long time ago, before systemd, some people helped me to make this sync
server running automatically at the boot of the RPi.
As I got no notes (my bad) how to make it possible, I'm sure it's now
different with systemd managing the boot services. May be I'm wrong, I'm
not really an expert with this ;)

Is there an online tutorial with real/working useful informations to
achieve this goal easily ?

Thx in advance !

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