Hello Ryan!

Thank you for your response, this link from github helped me to get

the correct keyid.

> As an aside, I'm curious to hear more about what you're working on that
relates the accessing data in Firefox Sync, if you'd be willing to share.

I'm studying cryptography and i'm interested in studying how modern

companies use it in their products.

And I have some new questions:

1)If I'm not mistaken the POST request to /account/device is not

necessary for the sync operation. But in the Fiddler I saw that some

crypto values are included in this request. Can you also explain me

how the next values are generated: pushpublickey, pushauthkey,

pushcallback and kid, IV, hmac, ciphertext values from the


)? I can’t find where they are generated in the source code.

2) In the article

I see that for the encryption of sync data only the value of kB is

needed. But the GET request to

https://token.services.mozilla.com/1.0/sync/1.5 returns me some extra

data: 'hashed_fxa_uid', 'key', 'id'. I think 'key' and 'id' are used

for the Hawk authentication but what about 'hashed_fxa_uid'?

Best wishes,


P.S. I didn’t understand if I should reply both you and sync-dev or only
you and I firstly sent a message only to you(I think you haven’t received
it and that’s why I’m duplicating the message here)
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