On Mon, 2011-10-31 at 13:57 +0100, Frederik Elwert wrote:
> >On Tue, 2011-10-25 at 13:41 +0200, Frederik Elwert wrote:
> >> >> 2. On my work machine, where I am still running Ubuntu Lucid, the
> >> >> syncevo-dbus-server fails silently. I could manage to sync using
> >> >> "--daemon=no", but for everyday use s-d-s is more comfortable.
> >SIGPIPE is triggered, apparently by a writev() inside libdbus.
> >
> >SyncEvolution doesn't do anything with SIGPIPE. I wonder whether libdbus
> >expects that the process ignores it. The gdbus example does that.
> >
> >Can you compile a test executable which adds the following lines to
> >SyncContext.cpp SyncContext::initMain()?
> >
> > struct sigaction sa;
> > memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
> > sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
> > sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);
> Finally, I managed to do so, and it seems it worked. I executed the
> newly comipled syncevo-dbus-server, and then used the newly compiled
> syncevolution binary as a client. Syncing worked over bluetooth.
> However, at the end I got the message "[ERROR] command line execution
> failure". I don’t know of which kind this failure could be, since
> everything seems to have worked just fine.

If you run the syncevo-dbus-server in a shell window with
SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=1 set as env variable, does it print anything? Does
it perhaps crash again?

> So with that little fix, bluetooth syncing with the built-in
> capabilities of the N9 seems to be relatively easy. There is just one
> issue that I could not yet identify: There is always a number of
> calendar entries in ERR state, which get re-submitted with the next
> sync, and then again be rejected. On the N9, at a first glance no
> recent entries seem to be missing, so I did not do too much to triage
> this issue. On the other hand, this probably makes each sync use more
> time than necessary. Any ideas where these errors might sttem from?

Most likely the device rejects certain events because it cannot parse
them properly.

>  I’ll send you a loglevel=4 log in private, maybe you can make more
> sense of it than I can.

I'll have a look.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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