Le 19/12/2011 09:20, Patrick Ohly a écrit :
Hello Thomas!
Helllo Patrick !

I ran a new full test over the weekend and found one issue:

BEGIN:VCALENDAR                          BEGIN:VCALENDAR
VERSION:2.0                              VERSION:2.0
   BEGIN:VTODO                              BEGIN:VTODO
   SUMMARY:test task with plenty of fi      SUMMARY:test task with plenty of fi
    elds                                     elds
   CATEGORIES:Business,Waiting              CATEGORIES:Business,Waiting
   COMPLETED:20090401T050000                COMPLETED:20090401T050000
   DESCRIPTION:This is a test task in       DESCRIPTION:This is a test task in
    time zone New York\, to be started       time zone New York\, to be started
    May 1st 2009 (not supported by Memo      May 1st 2009 (not supported by Memo
    too)\, due Mai 2st 2009.\n\nIt uses      too)\, due Mai 2st 2009.\n\nIt uses
     non-standard status values.              non-standard status values.
   DUE:20090502T190000                      DUE:20090502T190000
                                        >    PERCENT-COMPLETE:100
   STATUS:COMPLETED                         STATUS:COMPLETED
   END:VTODO                                END:VTODO
END:VCALENDAR                            END:VCALENDAR

It seems that Memotoo adds a PERCENT-COMPLETE:100. The original data has
no PERCENT-COMPLETE when testing with Memotoo (see below).

The standard doesn't say anything about a default value for
PERCENT-COMPLETE; my own intuition suggests that "nothing said = nothing
done = PERCENT-COMPLETE:0" would be a better choice than 100% done.

Has Memotoo started to support PERCENT-COMPLETE? What about DTSTART?
Memotoo add "PERCENT-COMPLETE:100" if the date "COMPLETED" is set.
DTSTART is supported by Memotoo

The Memotoo version of the task test case was modified a while ago to

"PERCENT-COMPLETE" is set in Memotoo since many months ...

commit 358e8fc03b60ad6e34fb1815bf20694745ce8571
Author: Patrick Ohly<patrick.o...@intel.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 10 16:02:30 2011 +0200

     Memotoo testing: updated eds_task test case for Memotoo

     Time stamp for COMPLETED is converted to local time by Memotoo.

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