Hello Guillaume!

Somehow I didn't get your first email. I see it in the Gmane archive,
but not in my inbox or spam folder. Sorry!

On Tue, 2012-08-28 at 12:27 +0200, Guillaume Lanquepin-Chesnais wrote:
> I'm still looking for tutorials about Caldav bridging in syncevolution.
> Did someone success to setup syncevolution as a HTTP server with caldav
> bridging ?

This is mentioned in the HOWTO overview [1] as "Bridge between SyncML
and CalDAV/CardDAV", which points the SyncEvolution man page. It should
also say that SyncEvolution >= is required for that (I'll add

Have you had a look at the documentation of the latest release?
It describes the procedure as follows:

CalDAV and CardDAV
       This section explains how to use local syncing for CalDAV and  CardDAV.
       Both  protocols  are based on WebDAV and are provided by the same back‐
       end. They share username/password/syncURL properties defined  in  their
       target config.

       The  credentials  must be provided if the server is password protected.
       The syncURL is optional if the username is an  email  address  and  the
       server  supports  auto-discovery  of its CalDAV and/or CardDAV services
       (using DNS SRV entries, .well-known URIs,  properties  of  the  current
       principal, ...).

       Alternatively,  credentials  can  also  be  set in the databaseUser and
       databasePassword properties of the source. The downside is  that  these
       values  have to be set for each source and cannot be shared. The advan‐
       tage is that, in combination with setting database, such sources can be
       used  as part of a normal SyncML server or client sync config. SyncEvo‐
       lution then  reads  and  writes  data  directly  from  the  server  and
       exchanges  it via SyncML with the peer that is defined in the sync con‐

       The database property of each source can be set to the URL  of  a  spe‐
       cific  collection  (= database in WebDAV terminology). If not set, then
       the WebDAV backend first locates the server based on username  or  syn‐
       cURL  and then scans it for the default event resp. contact collection.
       This is done once in the initial synchronization. At the end of a  suc‐
       cessful  synchroniation, the automatic choice is made permanent by set‐
       ting the database property.

          Warning: the protocols do not uniquely identify this default collec‐
          tion. The backend tries to make an educated guess, but it might pick
          the wrong one if the server provides more than one address  book  or
          calendar.  It  is  safer  to  scan  for  collections  manually  with
          --print-databases and then use the URL of the desired collection  as
          value of database.

       To scan for collections, use:

       syncevolution --print-databases \
                     backend=<caldav or carddav> \
                     username=<email address or user name> \
                     "password=!@#ABcd1234" \
                     syncURL=<base URL of server, if auto-discovery is not 

       Configuration  templates  for  Google  Calendar,  Yahoo  Calendar and a
       generic CalDAV/CardDAV server are included in SyncEvolution. The  Yahoo
       template  also contains an entry for contact synchronization, but using
       it is not recommended due to known server-side issues.

       The following commands set up synchronization  with  a  generic  WebDAV
       server that supports CalDAV, CardDAV and auto-discovery. For Google and
       Yahoo, replace webdav with google-calendar resp. yahoo and  remove  the
       addressbook source when setting up the sync config.

       # configure target config
       syncevolution --configure \
                    --template webdav \
                    username=123...@example.com \
                    "password=!@#ABcd1234" \

       # configure sync config
       syncevolution --configure \
                     --template SyncEvolution_Client \
                     syncURL=local://@webdav \
                     username= \
                     password= \
                     webdav \
                     calendar addressbook

       # initial slow sync
       syncevolution --sync slow webdav

       # incremental sync
       syncevolution webdav

       Here are some alternative ways of configuring the target config:

       # A) Server has one URL as starting point instead of DNS auto-discovery.
       syncevolution --configure \
                    --template webdav \
                    username=123456 \
                    "password=!@#ABcd1234" \
                    syncURL=http://example.com \

       # B) Explicitly specify collections (from server documentation or 
       #    The 'calendar' and 'addressbook' names are the ones expected by the 
sync config
       #    above, additional sources can also be configured and/or the names 
can be changed.
       syncevolution --configure \
                    username=123456 \
                    "password=!@#ABcd1234" \
                    addressbook/backend=carddav \
addressbook/database=http://example.com/addressbooks/123456/ \
                    calendar/backend=caldav \
                    calendar/database=http://example.com/calendar/123456/ \
                    target-config@webdav \
                    calendar addressbook

       Finally, here is how the @webdav context needs to be configured so that
       SyncML clients or servers can be added to it:

       # configure sources
       syncevolution --configure \
                    databaseUser=123456 \
                    "databasePassword=!@#ABcd1234" \
                    addressbook/backend=carddav \
addressbook/database=http://example.com/addressbooks/123456/ \
                    calendar/backend=caldav \
                    calendar/database=http://example.com/calendar/123456/ \
                    @webdav \
                    calendar addressbook

       # configure one peer (Memotoo in this example):
       syncevolution --configure \
                     username=654321 \
                     password=^749@2524 \

       # sync
       syncevolution --sync slow memotoo@webdav

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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