Hi Patrick / ppl

Firstly, many thanks for such amazing software. Free, Open-Source, and a
perfect in house alternative to some cloud based server located who
knows where, and that does who knows what with one's data.

I have being running your HTML SyncEvolution 1.2.2 server on my Ubuntu
Precise computers with great results, syncing wirelessly with a Motorola
Defy Mini and a Yuandao tablet using Synthesis SyncML client, and
Evolution 3.2.3 on the server. I use a softlink to allow Evolution to
store its data on a NAS.
In this way I can sync my phone and tablet via whichever computer is
switched on (office or kitchen).

The Defy Mini recently suffered a startup crash which wiped out contacts
(still dont know why, but i suspect the SD card). So i synced, but of
course this correctly deleted all contacts in evolution. Doooh!

So i reloaded the server from my tablet via Synthesis, as I couldn't
find the right syntax to restore the server from its backups, as in:
syncevolution --restore <session directory> --before|--after [--dry-run]
[--] <config> <source> ...

After many attempts :-( I have succeeded with a dry run :-) using:
john@Kitchen-Precise:~$ syncevolution
--restore .cache/syncevolution/defymini-2013-01-10-12-16 --before
--dry-run defymini addressbook

This all looks good, (and the database includes the addressbook. before
which shows all the items before the wipe).

Before committing this restore, could anyone please comment as to if i
am on the right track, or have missed out anything vital?

[INFO] addressbook: started
[INFO] addressbook: restore done successfully
[INFO] Item changes to be applied locally during restore:
|                                       |            LOCAL            |
|                                Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR |TOTAL|
|                           addressbook |  0  |  0  | 756 |  0  | 755 |

[INFO] The same incremental changes will be applied to the server during
the next sync.
[INFO] Use -sync refresh-from-client to replace the complete data on the

Why does the INFO line state Use -sync refresh-from-client etc.? Have i
missed a step? Does server refer to the defymini or evolution?

P.S. Sorry for double posting - i sent original from my other email
address (non-registered with this List)
SyncEvolution mailing list

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