Feature Requests item #1781903, was opened at 2007-08-25 19:56
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Category: Miscellaneous
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: make vertices/object move along paths

Initial Comment:
Synfig is great fun to do animations in, but there are is one thing that has 
been bugging me and, to the best of my internet search skills, does not seem to 
have been implemented/described anywhere.

Basically, I would like to be able to draw a bline with N vertices and have a 
shape move along that bline (the whole shape or individual vertices). Currently 
the only way I have found to do what I want is to draw a bline, and then move a 
shape along that line manually at fairly small intervals (very frustrating).

Example: A triangle that should move along a sine curve always pointing in the 
direction it is going to move next.

In that case I would like to be able to draw the triangle and the sine curve 
(or other bline) and say move the centre of the triangle along the bline and 
rotate it according to the shape of the bline. I have no idea how you would 
implement that, but it is a feature readily available in most 3D animation 

Aternatively/in addition, it would be great to be able to change/edit the 
"movement path" (I have no idea what it really is called) in the window in the 
time-line dialog (the one selectd by the icon with the squiggly line next to 
the keyframe window), i.e. adding vertices or editing the tangents so that the 
interpolation between keyframes is changed.

I hope I didn't just miss either of these features. Synfig is great (a big pat 
on the shoulder of the developers and the people producing the tutorials) but 
the documentation is quite sketchy at times so finding what is possible and how 
to do it is far from straight forward.


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