2011/12/12 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> my short term plans for coding Synfig are:
> 1) New interpolation method: "Smart"
> 2) Fix Groups Panel functionalities.
> Cheers!

Dear Santa!

This year, I have been a very good little boy. I have not, murdered
and I have helped my parents with their administrative tasks. And I
always say thank you, which makes me nice and so I deserve lots of
presents this year!
I wish many features to be presented into my favorite application -
Synfig Studio.

Some of them are:

1. Outline Grow parameter (Medium impact wish)

I want new parameter for Paste Canvas layer - "Outline Grow". Its
value should be Real number N. It does scale widths for all outline
layers inside of it by 2^N. For example, if Outline Grow = 0, then the
outlines inside are not touched. If Outline Grow = 1.0, then all
outlines are twice thicker.

2. Loop Bline in tangents menu (Light impact  wish)

I want "Loop Bline" appear also at tangents right-click menu. That
wayI will not need to press Alt+3 when I want to loop Bline.

3. "Split Tangents" appear at Tangents AND Vertex menu (Light impact  wish)

When you construct the bline "Split Tangents" menu item appears at
tangents right-click menu. When you edit bline "Split Tangents" appear
in vertex menu. That makes my kids and parents cry at night. Please
make this awesome menu item appear in both places.

4. Homogenous movement along bline while position is kept relative to
bline (Medium impact wish)

Dear, Santa, I know you will kill me for that request, but my latest
experience shows that I miss that feature so much. I know we have
struggled to solve it this year and even implemented the solution, but
it have some drawbacks. I want to get back to its discussing once
again if I will get alive.

5. I wish to be able to remove multiple vertices even when I have
accidentaly selected few tangents (Light impact wish)

6. Buttons at the top of the canvas should go to the toolbar. Those
buttons prevents me from stretching canvas window to narrow size
(Light impact wish).

7. Synfig menu should be at the top of the canvas, like Gimp one.
("Secret menu" - that's how my kids call menu that we have now. And
yes, that makes them cry at night). (Light impact wish)

8. And I want a Sound Layer (Heavy impact wish).


I have many other wishes, but I'm afraid that will sound ridiculous to
list them all (especially when we have shiny pivotaltracker). So I
have chosen the most actual ones, ranging them from most anticipated
(top) to less anticipated (bottom).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (I hope it's not too early ^__^")


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